Chapter one

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A small brown bunny hybrid is sitting down under an great, huge sycamore tree, waiting for someone that is special to him. The hybrid keeps on listening to the wind whispering, as he saw the green, grassy field walks slowly backwards and forward as if it is expecting some news. Soon, a rustling can be heard making his long ears twitch.

"Roar!" A shout from someone with his yellow eyes glowing brightly, his sharp teeth showing. A scoff slipped from the bunny's mouth, making the yellow eyed pout.

"Kyungsoo, you're supposed to be scared of me!" He pouted, his small triangular ears pointing down in shame mixing with embarrassment.

"How could I be scared of something not scary?" The bunny replied, standing up from his spot stretching his arms out with a high-pitch yawn.

"I am scary! I'm an jaguar, of course!" His long skinny tail swaying back and forth in irritation. The bunny sighed, looking at his boyfriend of a year and two months. The bunny, Kyungsoo love his fierce jaguar, Jongin. But sometimes he is just an dumb idiot.

Kyungsoo had enough of his nonsense of Jongin being scary and all. He bring his hand up to the air and smack Jongin's head making the jaguar squeak in responce. Jongin whines and complain as he touches his glowing red bum. Jongin already knew that Kyungsoo isn't like the other bunnies, but he still loves him.

"Wae?!" Jongin whimpered as he looked up innocently to Kyungsoo, who is in a bit of a sassy position. Hands on hips, glaring eyes, ears up to the sky and small fluffy tail slightly waving.

"Just because your an jaguar hybrid, it doesn't mean you have to act all and mighty!" Kyungsoo spatted out, Jongin remembered that the bunny doesn't like power system. So does he.

The power system decides which hybrid is more powerful than the other. An example will be an tiger hybrid has more money, power, education than a dog hybrid. There are three seprate classes, high, middle, low. High are huge, powerful, strong hybrids like Jongin. They are also pretty rare. Middle can be small or huge, smart, and wise. Kyungsoo is in this class. Low class are small, trouble makers, but very fun to be with like chickens and pigs.

This system also decides who to be with. Low can only be with low. Middle can only be with middle. And high can only be with high.

It is very unfair to Kyungsoo and Jongin. Kyungsoo is middle class and Jongin is in the high class. It is very rare that middles and highs meet, so let me tell you how they met.

Kyungsoo's wide eyes are glued on a purple piece of paper. His parents in front of him cleary have huge smiles, proud of their youngest son to be wanted on a high class school! Kyungsoo wanted to scream, shout, and cry. He knew he was smart but he didn't know that he was smart enough to be wanted in a high class school.

Kyungsoo didn't get any sleep that night. The next day he arrived in front of the huge and luxurious school. The bunny's breathing was a bit unsteady as his older brother, Seungsoo was getting his stuff out of the car.

"Hyung I'm not ready." Kyungsoo confessed as he turned around to see all of his packed stuff ready to go to be in the new dorm.

"Nonsense. C'mon lets go inside." Seungsoo grabbed half of his stuff and walked inside. Kyungsoo sighed at the rest and walked over to carry his stuff.

Kyungsoo was greeted very welcoming, by the staff and a few students. His hyung left him with a nice goodbye. Kyungsoo was told by the principal that his dorm will be on the third floor, 3-16, is his dorm number.

The bunny hesitantly stepped inside the dorm, and immediately dropped all of his stuff. The dorm was beautiful, the lights, the kitchen, the furniture, it was such beauty.

"You need help there?" An voice asked, Kyungsoo turned around to see an jaguar hybrid leaning on the white colored wall. Kyungsoo thought he was certainly gorgeous.

Jongin chuckled as he saw the bunny still has his jaw wide opened. Kyungsoo flushed an bright red color on his cheeks. Jongin thought it was cute and funny at the same time, so he laughed.

"Whats so funny?"


"How come?"

"I never seen something so cute before."

"Take that back! I'm not cute!"

"Are you sure? You're just so cute I want to eat you!"

This will be continued . . .


First chaptee up! Yay! I will edit this later because I'm in the car rn and I think I will get car sick soon.

Thanks for reading~

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