Chapter twenty eight

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A scoff slipped from Jongdae's mouth as the smaller telling him about how Minseok achieved his dream, "don't act like that, Dae. Minnie is really living his dream, right now. You should be happy for him, ya know?" Kyungsoo lightly elbowed the beagle, not wanting to hurt him. He understandss that the other still feels bitter about the hamster leaving the city to fulfill his long wanting dream ever since he was a grade schooler. Minseok just wanted be like his father, who owns a popular bar on the busiest street of the Middle Class, but that was years ago! He should get over it by now!

"Aish, he chosen his dream over me. He chose his dreams over our relationship! Do you know how much that hurts? Those promises, 'I love you', 'I will be right by your side forver', 'I'll never leave you,' turns into sickening lies, as you see the hybrid who claims to love you, leaves you with slap on your face as he drove away to follow his dream!" The beagle growled, tail wagging furiously not for a happy reason but a angry reason, as the memories flashed him before his eyes which is filled with anger. The situation of what Jongdae has described has popped up onto Kyungsoo's mind, he does a have a point. The lover of yours leaving you after the promises you two make for each other for a dream. For some reason, the situation seems very familiar to the bunny, until a pang of realization has hit him as if a rock roughly bounced off his head leaving him with a glowing red bum on the top of his head to show the damage of what the rock has done to him.


"See you later, Soo! I have stop here since this dumb thing is my locker! Bye-Bye Kyungie Boo!" Jongdae snickered at the nickname he gave the younger with a smug smile earning a glare from the other. Kyungsoo loathes that nickname, he made a mental note to suffocate the beagle with a pillow later on life. He could have suffocate the older with a book but, the thought haven't left him. He imagined the tears of what the jaguar shed, he imagined of how heartbroken he was, and it was all his fault.

He arrived at his new locker, and started putting up some of the materials he doesn't need for his first period. Kyungsoo entered the classroom, he can feel each pair of eyes staring at him. The teacher smiled before introducing him, "class, this is your new classmate, Do Kyungsoo. Treat him with care, okay? Kyungsoo, you may take a seat at the right corner of the classroom."

The rest of the day was pretty difficult for the poor bunny, he can't help it but to let his mind running of thoughts about Jongin's broken heart when he left him. He tried to shrug it off, trying to remind him that they are back together, now. Stop worrying about the past, and focus on the present, Do Kyungsoo, but it didn't work! He keeps on thinking of worse things of what would have happened to the jaguar, he could have starved himself to death, or even committed suicide! A image of blood trickling down the tan neck made him almost puke in the middle of class. A ring echoing the halls made the bunny to sigh in relief. It finally time to go home, he thought with a smile as he started fixing up his materials in front of him.

"Hey Kyungie Boo!" Jongdae greeted him, leaning against the wall with his book bag hanging on his broad shoulder. The junior quietly walked towards to his locker, opening it then started walking, not even bothering to reply to the older. The beagle pouted before he started yelling in the halls for the bunny to wait for him.

"Sorry Kyungsoo. You know, I was only teasing you!" He ruffled up the brown locks with his huge hand, making the bunny to hit him with his large ear earning a whine.

"Shut up! Can't you see I'm clearly not in the mood!?" The smaller snapped at him, ear twitching in annoyance. "How come? Is it that nickname?" The taller questioned him with a confusing look. What made him so grumpy? He knows how much the bunny dislikes the nickname, but it can't be that triggered to be in such a mood, right now. Jongdae started thinking until he asked the younger, "is it that Minseok thing this morning?"

"N-No!" Kyungsoo answered with his arms crossed, a sassy look planted on his face. "It is." The beagle playfully shove him, knowing the Minseok thing was the answer.

It not about Minseok, it about the situation you have described making me feel really worried about Jongin when I left him.

It's my fault and I need to do something to make it up for him.

To be Continued . . .


My correction thingy isn't working right now, so you could see a lot of mistakes in this chapter.

I have great news guys!

Today is my birthday! I'm now thirteen! And be ready for more updates in 2016!

A new Kaisoo fan fiction I'm going to work on, it's called Watching You. Sorry for this terrible self advertisement! *hides in corner*

QOTD: Favorite animal?

Answer: Wolf

Thanks for reading~

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