Chapter twenty six

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His eyes fluttered open, meeting eyes of a awake jaguar who is currently poking him in the cheek, repeating the words, "wake up Baby Soo!" Kyungsoo groaned when realization hit him when today is his first day of going back to the middle class school, he pulled the blankets over him, muttering, "five more minutes." Even though the bunny is very intelligent, he is just like the others, no hybrid doesn't like to be woken up early for work or school. The jaguar huffed at the bunny's stubbornness, he doesn't remember bunnies being stubborn as if they are bull hybrids, he shivered at the memory of getting beaten up by one. Jongin was minding his business until he bumped into a bull, making the other to spill his drink at the sidewalk. Lets just say, the younger arrived his mansion later than usual with visible bruises all over him along with a black eye. Ouch!

The taller faced the older, he leaned in to give him a small peck on the lips making Kyungsoo's cheeks to be tinted petals of pink. "Wake up sweetie~" the younger chirped, with a smile curving his lips. "Stop acting like we're one of those cheesy couples in one of those romantic dramas," the bunny murmured, feeling butterflies fluttering in his stomach, he wonders why Jongin is the only one that made him so love-sick.

"But, we are! I love you with all my heart, Soo. Even infinity can't defeat the large size of my heart for you," the younger meets his soft lips again, Kyungsoo deepened the kiss, throwing his arms around the jaguar's neck as the taller stroke his long brown bunny ears with admiration. The two broke the kiss, the jaguar gave a kiss to the smaller's forehead, muttering, "morning, your brother cooked breakfast for you to start your day."The bunny nodded smiling, he walked to the bathroom while Jongin went to the living room watching the news. After he have eaten, he took a quick but refreshing shower and gotten dressed, he was happy he didn't have to wear some uniform to school since middle class schools allows students to wear they want unlike the high class, who makes students wear their dull, boring uniforms.

The taller offered him to walk to his new school, but the other refused since he will attract attention since Jongin is an high class. Luckily, his school isn't very distanced from his home, it about a ten or twenty minute walk. Kyungsoo entered the front office, meeting a female cat hybrid sitting behind the desk, "excuse me, I'm the new student, Do Kyungsoo."

She gave the younger a smile, the cat told him to go to the principal's office which is the room next to this office, as she gave him a slip of paper of his schedule for the semester, he thanked her before walking out to find the principal's office. The bunny hesitantly walked in the small room, there is three chairs, a desk, a flag, and just things that you usually find in a principal's office.

"You must be Do Kyungsoo," a voice questioned him, the bunny turned around to meet eyes of a horse hybrid. The smaller nodded shyly, as he took a seat when told to by the principal. "I'm Zhang Yixing, you may call me sir Yixing, I'm the principal of this school and it seems you have been here before?"

"Yes, I have returned from a high class school."

"Not to be rude, why you have came back, when your previous school is an high class?"

"I feel highly uncomfortable there," he answered partly, not wanting to mention he is in a relationship with a high class. The principal smiled, "I will make sure to feel comfortable around the hybrids in here. Anyways, I'll tell you more about this school and your classes since we have about half of an hour left to talk before your first period starts."

The bell has rung, alerting students it time for first period. The halls became crowded with middle class hybrids, the principal dismissed the bunny with a smile, Kyungsoo walked along in the crowd, staring at the two papers he have in his hands. He needs to go to the junior hall to find his first period which is World History. The school is very small compared to the high class, he forgets how uncomfortable he used to be in the crowded halls since it wasn't a huge problem at his previous school due to the halls being large in width and length.

Not looking, he clumsily trip over his untied shoe lace making him bumped into another hybrid. He cursed when he feels a pang of pain in his head, rubbing it slowly to ease the pain, he looked up to see who in the world he have tripped into. The bunny can tell he knocked over a beagle since their are hanging ears at each side of his head.

Wait a beagle?



To be Continued . . .


Double Update! Sorry if there is any mistakes, since I didn't recheck it.
I already done a QOTD so let me tell you guys another funny moment at school!

My teacher joked about his phone is being my friend's mom.

Phone= my friend's mom

"I plug my charger into her every night."

"I always put her against my ear."

"I press her button."

"I scroll down her screen."

Lol, teacher wtf?

There is another moment where he started talking about how surprise he was when he received his first pay check as a teacher, but some kid said, "they paid you 3 grams?"

He sarcastically replied, "sure, they paid me cocaine." He told us, "kids don't do drugs, do hugs" after he told us he was just joking about the cocaine thing. My friend started trying to hug me but I back away then my teacher noticed it and yelled, "stop molesting her!" My teacher gave my friend the nickname of Chester the Molester.

You can tell me another moment if ya want!

Thanks for reading~

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