Chapter twenty four

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Silence filled the room as the awkward atmosphere seems to be getting worse each minute--no, each second. The high class didn't dare to make a move as he let the oldest in the room to give him a deathly stare, if looks could kill, Jongin would be dead a while ago. The young bunny was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, feeling his cheeks getting hotter by embarrassment. Why is his hyung acting like a very overprotective father?

"Your telling me, this high class is the father of your unborn baby? Did I forget to mention he is an high class?" Seungsoo questioned the two with gritted teeth, obviously not pleased that the father of his young brother is an jaguar hybrid. He thought Kyungsoo knew better, this is against the laws, the power system, and this is highly wrong. He expected for the father will be some middle class that lives very near to border between the high class city and the middle class city, but not a high class hybrid. Not receiving a reply for a while he let out a frustrated sigh, "Kyungsoo you have two choices, abortion or give it up to adoption. Which one you'll choose?"

The brown-furred bunny gasp, he thought his older brother accepted the fact he is pregnant?! He felt a wave of anger wash over him, but was soon replaced by sadness and confusion, he tried to argue with his brother but all came out of his mouth with whimpers and cries. "Why hyung?! Didn't you accept that I'm pregnant?!"

Jongin growled, he never likes the sight of his love one crying in front of him; the jaguar pulled the smaller into a tight grip, with his arms wrapped around the small waist and started barking, "sorry to say this sir but what the heck is wrong with you?! You made your younger brother who is a month pregnant by telling him to give our baby up, when he obviously wants to keep him or her! It wasn't Kyungsoo's fault he is like this, it was mine! We're sorry that we were following our hearts and made love, but we can't help it to love each other even though we are in different classes! Listen, I love him and I only ever love him for the rest of my life. I'm happy that he is carrying our baby, because there is no other hybrid in the world who I wanted to start a family with but my baby Soo."

The jaguar gave his love one a kiss on the forehead, making the latter blush but you still can see tears slowly running down his cheeks. Jongin meet eyes with Seungsoo, challenging him to speak up as he tightened his grip on the smaller.

"I'm actually pretty pleased to hear those things, Jongin. I was hoping for Kyung to find some hybrid who will be willing to fight for him and you are just the perfect one. Well, not really since your a high class instead a middle and it's still breaking the rules. I'm sorry for the giving up decisions, I was worried to see Kyung's baby father is an high class. I just don't want to get him and you to get caught and who knows what'll happen next!? You two will be either get killed, tortured or worse. I'm sorry, I don't want that to happen to my little brother. Kyung, I love you in a family, brotherly way, and I really don't know what to do if you're gone. I have to admit, I'm scared, frightened, worried for the both of you. Please take care of yourselves and don't get caught. Okay? I care about you Kyung a lot, and it will be very heart-breaking for me to know you have zap out of existence. I-I love you, Kyung in the most brotherly way as possible."

The younger bunny get out of the jaguar's grip, walking toward to his older brother with a smile curving his lips, launching himself to him. "Thank you hyung. I bro love you too, Seungsoo hyung. Bros for life? Even though I'm like the mother in my relationship with my unborn child," Kyungsoo softly chuckled after his awkward mother sentence. It is true, the bunny is the mother while the jaguar is the father. He wondered why he let the younger top him, anyways? If he topped the other on that night, he could easily avoided this situation, but Kyungsoo can't lie, he was pretty excited to start a family with Jongin.

"Bros for life."

To be Continued . . .


Hey guys! It was a pretty lazy day for me, so sorry for any mistakes.

QOTD: What is one of the funniest moment in school?

Answer: Oh geez, this is gonna be hard since there is a lot of them. Well this isn't really a moment but a story from my teacher. Okay, he used to have a job at the theater and you know how there is things dropped at the floor? And when money is dropped at the floor, you have no idea who to return it to since it's just money. So, my teacher thought he found a hundred dollar bill but when he picked up and unfold it, it said, "have you found Jesus?"

I'm sorry if this offended anyone. Just to let you guys know, I'm Catholic and I think it was pretty funny to be honest.

You can answer too if ya want!

Thanks for reading~

A Not So Bad Mistake K A I S O OTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon