Chapter Four: Detention with the Marauders

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So, I've already written most of the chapters, because I'm having inspiration boooost. 

Sadly, I am currently not feeling the same for my other stories. But worry not, for I will update them as soon as I can!

DISCLAIMER: I still own nothing except Green Oakenhelm, and most of the plot.



Chapter Four: Detention with the Marauders

The Marauders, Lily, Severus (why was he even in here?) and I stood in the Entrance Hall, waiting for Filch. It’s getting boring and there was an awkward silence, so I asked, “Hey, Severus, how’d you get detention anyway?”

He looked up. “I hexed a 7th year Hufflepuff,” he said looking down. From the looks of it, he didn’t even want to. With him, I don't even know. He's been hanging out with Mulciber and Avery lately, and they're not exactly the friendly kind.

“I hate to admit, but I like you 1% more, Snivelly,” said Potter, and his crew laughed.

“Oh, shut it Potter!” glared Lily. “Did you get bullied or something?” This question was to Severus.

“Yeah, really. Sorry, but I was only trying to defend myself," lied Severus. Of course I knew he lied - takes one to know one, after all.

“It’s fine, Sev. Don’t do it again, or I will hex you!” joked Lily as they two of them laughed.

“Oh, stop with the mushy-mushy, Evans!” Potter looked away from them, looking really upset.

“Jealous, aye, Potter?” I asked, stifling my laugh. “Am not!”

“You are!”



“OH WILL YOU SHUT UP!” Filch finally arrived with Mrs. Norris. I looked at him and did a salute. He lead us out of the castle, and we were currently walking over to Hagrid’s Hut. I saw Hagrid standing over his hut, waving at us.

I don’t know about the others, but I really like Hagrid like an uncle or something. He’s really big and scary-looking at first but when you get to know him, he’s just a big softie!

“You kids will be spending detention with Hagrid here – oh will you stop crying already?!” Filch snapped. Hagrid was crying over something, I don’t even know.

“Er – sorry. I stepped on ar’ Flobberworm. There, there, poor thing.” He said, picking up the flobber worm. I laughed, when Filch just rolled his eyes.

“See you,” said Filch, leaving with Mrs. Norris trailing behind. Minutes later, when Hagrid finally stopped crying over the squished Flobberworm, he lead us into the Forbidden Forest.

Wait, didn’t Dumbledore warn us that if we didn’t want to die a horrific death, we shan’t wander too far off the Forest?

“Now, yer’ lot will be helpin’ me fin’ me hippogriff, Waddlybug,” he said. “Now, we goin’ to fin’ ‘im as a team, let’s go.”

“Hagrid, what does Waddlywhatever look like?” asked Black, sniggering at his own little joke.

“Well, he has big black spot in his righ’ wing," answered Hagrid, still leading us around.

“It’s so dark here!” complained Potter. I (kind of, it was so dark!) saw Lupin roll his eyes and mutter, “Lumos,”

Potter ‘ooh’ed and cast the charm, as did us.


Minutes later, and still no luck. I could’ve been sleeping by now, but no. Well, I admit, partly of it was my fault, but I wouldn’t say that out loud, now would I?

Hagrid was walking at our tails, so I had to lead the group because nobody would volunteer. Geez, and the Sorting Hat said that I was a bit less brave. Suddenly, a peculiar hourglass was lying on the ground, completely oblivious of our presence. Wait, it’s an hourglass, it can’t see us.

Wow, I’m stupid.

“Hey, you numpties! Look over here,” I called for them as they ran towards me.

“What do you think it is?” Peter asked.

“An hourglass," said Lily. We sniggered.

I was going to touch it when –

“WAIT!” yelled Lupin.

“What is it?” I asked him, glaring at him because he ruined the moment where I am supposedly finding some peace of magic that can change history.

“Maybe it isn’t safe, we don’t want to be blamed for your death or –“

“Are you concerned over me?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, and putting on a smirk.

“Of course! I’m a prefect, and you’re still a student,” he said. Wow. I’m flattered, really. I never thought a Gryffindor can care for a Slytherin in a way; prefect or not.

“Yeah,” I said and touched the hourglass. The world went black and the last sound I heard was a faint,



That ended in a little cliffhanger xD Yeah, it's shorter than usual chapter length, but hey, at least I updated! 

What do you think happened? (It's pretty obvious) COMMENT BELOW!


Next time,
Hannah x

[Edited: March 20, 2015]

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