Chapter Seven: New friends!

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So this one's preeeeeeeeeeeetty short, and a bit DRAMA LLAMA. 

Sorry, I was supposed to upload this hours ago, but I got caught up on a few Marauders fanfiction and got extremely engrossed to it. I have a big shipping issue.

*sighs heavily*

Okay, whatever, here it is. I do not own Harry Potter.


Chapter Seven: New friends!

The crew and I walked over to the Great Hall, and I decided to sit with them. I don’t know anyone from here, do I? We’ll be leaving pretty soon, anyways. We plopped down on the far back and started lunch. I sat next to Lily and Severus, and the Marauders sat across us.

We ate, and we noticed people staring directly at either me or Severus, and I got pissed.

“Anyone want to explain why the heck you’re staring at Se – Arthur and I?” I asked rather loudly. Everybody shook their heads. “Good, now go mind your own business,” I remarked rather rudely. I mentally slapped myself.

Suddenly, the Weasley kid, Hermione and Harry Potter sat next to us. Ron was across them and sat next to Lupin, and I was next to Harry.

“Hey, Harry, I’m Green Williams,” I said, taking out my hand.

He shook it. “Harry Potter.” The three were looking at us suspiciously, in which I ignored.

“Quite a show you lads made, I got to give you credit,” I said then lowered my voice. “Umbridge is a toad,” I turned my voice louder again. “See, Lily? I didn’t shout that Umbridge is a toad.”

She chuckled. “Yeah, yeah, Green!”

I realized I was the only one who introduced. “Oh, my lads by the way are Arthur Prince, Lily Parker, Romulus Lupin, Orion Rockledge, Peter Barlow and Michael Potter. He said he was a distant cousin, is it, Potter?” I turned to Potter Marauder.

He nodded furiously. “Yeah, your mum and dad might’ve not mentioned my family at all,” he answered smoothly. “See, your grandmother and my grandfather are distant cousins,” he lied.

“Oh, I never knew I had other relatives,” said Harry, rather down. There was an awkward silence.

“So, uh, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here? We don't usually get transfers, ” Hermione asked.

“Green and I are – uh – from Beauxbatons. The other five are from – where is it again? – oh, a school in New Zealand. We met at the ride here,” Lily lied. 

"We're exchange students," I added. "I guess we're just lucky to be picked."

“Uh, aren’t you Slytherins?” Ron pointed his fork at Severus and I.

“Yeah, we decided to be friends. No harm done, aye?” I asked Lily and the others.

“Nah, you’re cool.”

“We don’t mind.”

“Yeah, yeah, friends … right.”

Potter said the last one, looking pointedly at Severus.

“Oh, will you stop giving looks to Arthur already?” I told Potter, and glared at him.

“Fine, Williams,” he said and went back to eat. Potter may be a pain in the arse, but sometimes he can be tolerated.

Suddenly, two red-head (Weasley, I guess) twins came and sat next to Ron. “Hello, who are your friends?” asked one.

“He’s Fred, I’m George Weasley, you are?”

“Green Williams, Arthur Prince, Lily Parker, Romulus Lupin, Orion Rockledge, Michael Potter, Peter Barlow,” said Harry. THANK YOU, DEAR HARRY FOR YOU SAVED ME TIME FOR EXPLANATION!

“Slytherin, are you?” asked the Fred guy, I think.

“Yup!” I said enthusiastically.

“I never heard Slytherins who are friends with Gryffindors before,” said George.

“Well, you do now!” I said, spreading my hands.

They chuckled. “Well, see you, everyone –“

“- We have business to attend to –“

“See you!” they said in unison and went off.


“We can’t keep promises, ‘Mione!” they called back and disappeared out of the Great Hall. I chuckled.

I like those two.


Months later, and Umbridge is still being a big arse. Honestly, she’s a total pain in the butt! I swear to Merlin she’s the worst teacher ever. Honestly, if the Wizarding World was published into a book, she'd be my least favorite character.

Anyway, next Saturday is the first trip to Hogsmeade, yaaaaay! I can get some butterbeer, and chocolates, and sweets. Oh, the joy! Wait, did I mention Harry is calling a meeting to everyone who hates Umbridge in Hog’s Head? Well, of course we’re coming. I’m Umbridge’s #1 Hater. Make that into a shirt!

So, Lily, The Marauders and I are currently sitting under a huge tree, talking about everything and anything, when Potter piped up. He put on a smug and cocky face and asked Lily, “Evans, go to Hogsmeade with me?” Lily just glared at him and ignored him.

“C’mon, you know you love me, and I’m a million times better than Snivelly. You know what? I think you should go out with me! What do you sa - ?”

Instead of her normal shouting at Potter, she ignored him and patted Lupin’s shoulder, as he turned from his book to her. “Remus, go out to Hogsmeade with me?” Oh. My. Merlin.

“Lily, no, I –“

“See you at the common room on Saturday!” she said in a tone of finality, then strutted off. I stood up and went with her. I heard Lupin say ‘sorry’ to Potter and Potter say ‘it’s okay’ back. OH MY MERLIN.


“Dude, that was really … something,” I told Lily.

“I can’t take his asking me out anymore!” she told me, her face scrunching up in anger.

“Give him a chance,” I persuaded her.

 “Sorry, Green, but it’s a no.” she remarked. Eventually, I gave up. I mean, she just can’t get persuaded! Well, I try, did I? And one thing, I can’t believe I actually helped a Marauder. Oh, goodness, I am turning into a softie. 


I found the Remus date with Lily idea on somewhere, a headcanon. Credits to them for the idea! I don't actually ship them, if that's what you're asking. But if you do, then good for you. 


Hannah x

P.S. I just edited this because I realized instead of her fake surname 'Willliams,' I put 'Oakenhelm' so I edited it and it's now okay! YAAAY! Okay, whatever. Bye.

[Edited: March 20. 2015]

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