Chapter Nineteen: Scars and Quills

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Thank you to everyone who commented, voted or just simply read my book. :)

I love all of you so much. Thanks for putting up with my slow updates and sticking with me throught thick and thin.

You've made me a much better writer, and I wouldn't have continued this without you.

Cheers to you all, my lovely readers! 


Chapter Nineteen: Scars and Quills

"Have I ever told you guys how much I hate her?" I asked Lily and the Marauders, while walking towards Charms class after D.A.D.A. As you can see, everything is kind of back to normal.

"Yeah, about 10 times already," James jokingly rolled his eyes. I punchd him in his arm.

"But seriously though, this just sucks. We've already got Professor Snape - Merlin bless his younger self - stacking us with homework already," I sighed in frustration. Remus put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'll help you with your homework," he said, smiling. "If that's what you're implying."

"What gave you the impression I needed one?" I defended, mocking hurt.

Remus shrugged. "Everything, love," he teased, while I only pinched his cheek. 

"Oh my gosh, stop it with the googly-eyes!" James complained, crossing his arms like a child. Well, he has a brain like one, so he qualifies as one.

"You're just jealous you can't successfully ask Lily out," I teased, making him shut up. I looked at Lily and I swear I saw her blush. 

Oh, finally. After their cat and mouse chase, Lily is almost accepting James.

It took a while.


Finally, after the last period, the D.A. had another training session. I always look forward to it, since I got to test out my magic skills. I must admit though, sometimes I suck a little but practice makes perfect and I don't intend to fail again.

Today we were practicing stunning spells. After Ron and Hermione's little fight, I volunteered next. 

"Okay, Green, you're up," Harry said, and escorted Sirius in front of me. He smirked.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," he said smugly. 

"Orion, if I hexed you before, I can hex you again," I laughed and pointed my wand at him. "Stupefy!" He fell back and I smiled smugly. I bowed and went back to standing next to Lily. Sirius stood up and glared playfully at me.

"I adore you," Lily laughed.

"I adore me too," I replied, chuckling with her.

We went back to our usual practices, but I got distracted when a loud explosion was heard. My head snapped to a large hole in the wall. I craned my neck and found Umbridge.

Oh no.


I was writing, like every other D.A. member, with Umbridge's evil quills. Everytime I wirte, a painful sting walks across my right hand. I could see the scar across my hand, saying 'I must not hide secrets.' It's becoming extremely painful now, blood starting to run down my hand.

Halfway through my parchment, I looked up and glared at Umbridge, who was looking very proud of herself. I tell you, if I could, I'd hex her into oblivion.

My gaze shifted to my back, who was Remus. He was expressionless, his face was blank as he wrote in his parchment. He looked up at me and smiled weakly. His left hand took my hand which was dangling at my side, squeezing it before letting go.

I looked back at my parchment and started writing slowly, everytime the scar on my right hand becomes worse and worse. I bit my lip, glaring at the parchment. 

This is such a barbaric punishment, and even I thought Umbridge was better than this. I thought she had even just a little speck of some kind of humanity. She proved me wrong.

After everyone filled their parchment, we walked outside gloomily. Since I was near the back, I went out first, with Remus at my side. We filed out and I found Cho Chang, not a scar in her hands in sight. I knew she was the one who told Umbridge of the D.A.

While Remus and I passed her, I thought I'd want to make her feel at least a bit guilty.

"And everyone thought I'd be the one to tell Umbridge," I whispered to Remus, but only loud enough for her to hear. I didn't regret it. Remus just nodded as we walked, filled with just as much of anger as I was.

"Does your hand hurt?" he asked, taking my right hand to his. I winced. He smiled softly. "I'll take that as a yes." We sat on a bench as he took his tie off. 

"Wait, you really shouldn't - "

"I want to," he smiled, wrapping his Gryffindor tie in my scar. I must admit, he has a good talent in... tying things. Wait, is that even a valid talent?

"Thanks," I said. "But what about yours?"

He just shook his head. I took my Slytherin tie off of my neck and wrapped it around his hand. He smiled at me. We just sat there for a while, watching the sun set. My hand was on his shoulder, and our hands were entwined together.

The sting on my hand has gone away. And if not, then I just ignored it as best as I can. One day I'll get revenge on Umbridge, but today is not the day. Right now, I savored the moment between Remus and I, glad that w're finally okay.

Huh. Lily was right.

He did come along. 


OMFG  I UPDATED! *party party*

Hahaha. Did ya peeps like it? I based this off of the movie so don't kill me if you don't like it. :O


Sorry, that's my inner fangirl showing. If you haven't watched either of them yet, watch it!

They're freaking amazing.

Until next time.

Au Revoir,
Hannah x

[Edited: March 26, 2015]

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