Chapter Eighteen: The Da Vinci Code Has Been Cracked

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Sorry for taking so long. I hope you like this chapter :)


Chapter Eighteen: The Da Vinci Code Has Been Cracked

One month. It's officially been one month since the werewolf accident and since Remus suddenly became some sort of jerk. It's been really hard the past month and the only guy who I frequently talked with was Severus.

Come on now. He's awesome.

But he doesn't fill this empty hole in my heart. And no, I will not go to Sirius either. He's the type of guy who will make you laugh and not actually be the one who you can burst your feelings to. Then there's Lily. And she has been acting odd lately, too.

I was sitting outside Hogwarts and it was almost night time. I saw the sun go down and the full moon replace it. I heard a howl from the woods. It was the werewolf. But  I still couldn't help but get intrigued by it. I want to know who he or she is.

But there's a reason why I wasn't a Gryffindor.

So I stood up and began walking back to the dungeons. 


"Hey Lily," I greeted my friend at Charms Class. 

"Hey, Green," she replied and went back to reading her book and paying attention to Professor Flitwick. I glanced over at the Marauders and found one person missing: Remus.

"Where's Remus?" I asked Lily.

"I don't know," she lied through her teeth. I gave her a suspicious look, one that said 'I know you're hiding something so just spit it out,' but Lily only avoided my icy stare. Something big is going on, and I want to know.

If nobody's going to tell me, I'll have take matters into my own hands.


I followed James, Sirius and Peter across the hallways of Hogwarts. They seemed to be going towards the Hospital Wing. Luckily, I'm good at hiding. It's just some weird talent of mine; I don't really know how I acquired it.

I found the boys entering the Hospital Wing and closing it after checking if nobody was around. 

I sneakily opened the door and found the Marauders (minus Remus) circling a person that was on the bed. I leaned in, but with my horrid luck, I stumbled forward and hit my body with the floor. Oh, now I've done it. My cover is blown.

The Marauders looked over to me and gasped. 

I stood up, dusted off my robe and found who was on the bed. Remus. And he looked terrible. Fresh scars marked his face and arms, masking his true skin. I stepped forward, my mouth hanging open.

"Bloody hell, Remus," I whispered slowly and realization hit me. I put two and two together. 

The night I got clawed by a werewolf, I saw James and Sirius and a rat (whom I later assumed was Peter because of course, who else can it be?). I didn't see Remus back then.

The day after that, Remus told Sirius "You said I didn't hurt anyone." I distinctly remember his sad eyes and guilt.

His sudden disappearances in class since first year right after, coincidentally, the full moon.

And now, the day after the full moon, he acquired some new scratches and there were dark circles below his eyes. Could this be? 

"You're a werewolf," I pointed out. I wasn't scared or angry at him for being one, nor did I feel anything other than victory since I just cracked the Da Vinci Code. Why didn't I think of this before?

Remus' eyes widened and looked away in shame. "Yes, I am," he said in a strained voice. "And I am a monster. Now you know why." He faced me.

"I still don't get it," I shook my head. I noticed the other Marauders dissolve out the room to give us some space. I was thankful for their respect. 

"I told you I'm a monster and I could very well hurt you," he said. I walked over and sat down in his bed while he sat up. "Actually, I did. And I'm sorry, Green, truly I am. But I can't - I'm dangerous."

"You're not a monster, nor are you dangerous," I told him, staring at his blue eyes with my reassuring ones. "And by the way, your rejection hurt me more rather than the small scratch."

He looked away and I touched his right cheek and turned his head over to me. I could see sorry in his eyes, and love and longing. I smiled, pleading for his acceptance.

"Let's admit it, your time of the month isn't worse than a female's time of the month," I joked. He chuckled for a second. He took my hand from his face and put it between his gentle hands.

"I'm sorry," he said. He didn't need anything else to say. I pushed my lips to his and fortunately, he kissed back. When we pulled apart, I noticed the wetnesson his cheeks. I pulled him into a hug as he cried softly in my neck.

"I'm sorry, I really am," he repeated it a few times, as I pat his back. After moments, we pulled apart and we smiled. "Don't compare my time of the month to a woman's time of the month ever again," he joked and we laughed.

Finally, a happy ending.

Or is it?


FINALLY! They're back together. :)

I hope this fulfilled your expectations. Sorry for hanging you there with a cliffhanger. But I had to. 

If you're an Avengers fan, please check out my story Ask the Avengers, Prank Backfire (Baby Avengers) and The Misadventures of the Avengers (High School AU). I would appreciate it :)


Hannah x

P.S. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Overcoming Differences is almost 4k reads and I am so happy. I love you guys :) SO SO SO SO SO MUCH.

I love y'all.

P.P.S. AND I JUST EDITED THIS AND NOTICED "empty hole in my heart" was "empty hole in my mouth" HAHAHAHA XD That's so wrong. LOL. Okay bye.

[Edited: March 26, 2015]

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