Chapter Five: We're at the - what?!

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Since my last upload was really short, I'm making up for you in this one.

DISCLAIMER: Would I be writing fanfiction if I owned Harry Potter? No, so it isn't mine. I only own Green Oakenhelm.


Chapter Five: We’re at the – what?!

I woke up, sunlight hitting my face. I sat up, rubbing my head. I looked around. Everyone was still unconscious… or dead. He he…

But then I will be responsible of their deaths. Oh no, I’m too young to be sent to Azkaban!

“Ugh?” a goran came. I turned around and found Black conscious.

“I’m alive!” he said.

“I’d be happier if you weren’t,” I muttered darkly under my breath. I didn’t really mean it, but a joke’s a joke, eh?

”What’d you say?” he asked, finally standing up and walking towards me.

“Oh nothing. Now help me get up!” I demanded, holding up my hand. He took it and pulled me up.

Our faces were inches away from each other.

“Oh – My – Merlin.” I heard Potter say. So, the man’s awake, I bet everyone already is. That means they’re possibly currently looking at us. And Black didn’t move back, and neither did I. Great.

God I’m stupid.

I took a step back, glaring at Black.

“What was that about, Padfoot?” asked Potter. Who the hell was Padfoot? Oh, right. He was talking to Black, so… I’m stupid, really. I guess that’s why I’m not a Ravenclaw.

“Nothing,” Black replied, smirking at me. I find him attractive, really, no denying that. But he’s a player, and a Marauder and a Gryffindor.

Lily asked a more sensible question, “Where’s Hagrid?”

“WHAT IF HE LEFT US TO ROT HERE AND WE’RE IN THE FUTURE?” I asked suddenly, causing everyone to look at me like I have three heads.

“Come on, maybe he’s already in his hut,” Lupin said, wiping his dirty hands on his pants.

“Wait!” I said, before everyone got to move. “Where’s the hourglass?”

Potter pointed to Pettigrew and he pulled out his hands, revealing the broken hourglass. “We’ll take that to the castle, now let’s go!” I ordered, looping my arm on Lily’s. 

“Wow, she’s bossy,” I heard Potter say behind my back.

“But feisty, just my type,” replied Black. I rolled my eyes, honestly not impressed with Black's actions. 

In our dirty robes, we walked up back to the safe place. From afar, I saw the castle and moved up there. I can’t help but think of what happened earlier today. You know, the Black situation that made Potter think we had a ‘thing’ for each other. Well, Black does for me, I guess, but don’t seriously (ha-ha, I am so funny) think I feel the same darn way. 

Finally, we saw reached Hagrid’s hut first and I knocked his door. He opened it and gasped.

“Why’d you leave us in the forest, Hagrid?” I asked, pouting. He just stood there, like we were ghosts or something of the sort. Wait, I could sense something different from him. He looked… older. Odd.

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