Chapter Six: Umbridge is a big toad!

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Chapter Six: Umbridge is a big toad!

Wow, this woman is a human? Sorry, but she doesn’t seem like one. Anyway, who knows? There’s plenty of magic we haven’t learned yet!

“Good afternoon!” she said in an awful joyful voice. I’m thinking she – or more likely ‘it’ – is going to be the worst teacher ever. Wanna bet?

A few mumbled “Good afternoon” in reply.

“That won’t do now, will it? I would like you to please, reply ‘Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.’ Now, Good afternoon, class!” she commanded. God, I was half-right about this toad. She abides ‘good manners.’ Heck, I’d rather have Professor McGonagall rather her (Mostly because I think McGonagall is a badass)!

“Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge!” we chanted back. Oh, how I feel like a 5-year-old!

“Good, now. Wands away, and quills out please,” she said. The whole class looked at each other gloomily. Why in the name of godforsaken Merlin would we take our wands away at a very practical class such as Defense Against the Dark Arts?!

“Well, now, your teaching in this subject has been rather disrupted and fragmented, hasn’t it?” Umbridge stated, turning to face the class with her hands clasped. “The constant changing of teachers, whom did not seem to follow Ministry-approved curriculum, had resulted in you being far below the standard of an average 5th year.

“But I am happy to say that we will be learning from a Ministry-approved course this year. Copy down the following, please.” She explained, then writing on the board. Everyone copied it down, and us seven took out the parchment Dumbledore provided us and copied it.

“Has everyone got the copy of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkard?” she asked. There were dull murmurs ringing across the room.

“Let’s try again, now. You will either say ‘Yes, Professor Umbridge’ or ‘No, Professor Umbridge.’ Now, do you have a copy of said book?” she asked. We chanted “Yes, Professor Umbridge.” See, Dumbledore was very generous to lend us books for the subjects. I LOVE DUMBLEDORE!

“Good, now I would like you to turn to page five and read chapter one in silence,” she said –wait, ordered – us. Ugh. I turned to page five and didn’t really read. I looked up at Lupin and found him absent-mindedly looking at his quill, and not reading. I nudged him and he turned to me.

“I haven’t seen you neglecting reading a book until now,” I whispered, low enough for Umbridge not to hear.

He smirked slightly. Wow, he was really cute. OH, WHAT THE?! SCRATCH THAT!

“There’s a first time for everything,” he whispered back. I chuckled lightly, as his grin grew wider. He then turned back to his book, and – wait, is that?! – he was blushing. I thought he looked cute when – wait, where were those thoughts coming from?!

A few boring minutes later, Umbridge asked to a bushy-haired girl, “Did you want to ask something about the chapter, dear?”

“Not about the chapter, no,” replied the girl. Wow, she has the guts!

“Well, we’re reading just now. Deal with other queries later,” said Umbridge, showing her pointed teeth.

“I’ve got a query about your course aims,” said the girl. Everyone was staring at their conversation, I mean, can you not?

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