Chapter Twenty-Three :Good vibes and goodbyes

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Sorry I haven't uploaded for a long time. I've been saying that alot and I'm just really guilty. But the book is almost done and I'm planning on having a sequel after finishing my other books. 

Also, thank you for 7k reads! You're all very awesome  and I wish I could hug all of you. Unfortunately, all I can give you is this chapter and a virtual hug. :) Thank you for being patient and I hope angels are watching over you.

Well, here it is. Enjoy.



I walked across the Room of Requirement, which was now turned into a small room with a dining room and fireplace, to the fireplace. I squatted in front of the fire next to Remus.

"Hey Remy," I grinned as he put an arm over me. I cuddled into his chest. 

It's been a day since the revelations, and I still didn't know what happened to my future self. I haven't met her, I haven't seen her, I haven't heard from her. And I'm honestly scared as hell. But I was more scared of Sirius, James and Lily's fate. 

I've grown so fond of everyone and I guess it just hurts to know how it all ends.

"I hope we can erase all of this," Remus muttered, stroking my hair. "You know, stop Peter from doing this to us. Stop James, Sirius and Lily from dying."

"I hope so too..."

Harry, James and Lily were sitting on the corner of the room, talking. It made my heart melt. Sirius, Hermione and Ron were on the other corner, eating, laughing, talking. Severus was reading a book alone, oftentimes gazing longingly at Lily.

"Do you think Peter can change?" I asked him solemnly.

"I do," he replied. "He's my friend, and I'm not giving up on him."

"But if he doesn't change?"

"Then we have failed him," he replied, staring at the burning flames. "We'll help him change. None of this will ever happen. We can do this."

I smiled. That's Remus; never giving up on anyone. Ever.


My friends and I were walking outside of Hogwarts, savoring every moment we had left with each other. Dumbledore recently informed us that he was near to fixing the hourglass, which meant we were almost going back. It was sad.

Suddenly, a ball of coldness hit my cheek. 

"Ow!" I exclaimed, halting. Everyone stopped and stared. I looked to my right, and found Sirius laughing his arse off. I made a snow ball and threw it at him. His face was priceless!

"HEY!" he exclaimed.

"SNOOOOOW BAAAAAAALL FIIIIIIIIIIGHT!" yelled James, and everyone started throwing snow balls at each other. I was hit three times (excluding Sirius' first one) and I hit James, Lily, Ron, Remus and Sirius at least twice.

At the chaos, I hid behind Remus, who just laughed.

"HELP ME, MY LOVE!" I yelled dramatically, holding his shoulders, hoping I was protected.

"I'm sorry, love, but... " Remus smirked, and smudged a snow ball in my left cheek. Everyone saw it and laughed at me. Glad they're laughing at my expense.

"Traitor!" I accused, dramatically laying down on the snow. When Remus turned his back, I formed a snow ball and hit his back, making him fall face-first in the snow.

I stood up victoriously and exclaimed, "VIVA LA GREEN!" My hands were thrust on the air, as I repeated Viva la Green over and over again.

My friends cheered along as I bowed. Remus stood up finally, and cheered too, flashing me a thumbs up. I grinned at him, chuckling.

For a moment, we all forgot about the previous events.


Dumbledore finally finished fixing the hourglass, and it was time to say goodbye. Harry, James and Lily talked and hugged for a long time. The rest of us were saying goodbyes to Ron, Hermione, Ron, Neville and Luna (who just found out about us - they deserved to know).

"Hey, you two should date," - I pointed at Ron and Hermione - "And you two should date too." - I pointed at Neville and Luna. The two pairs blushed furiously, making me smile.

Remus gave me a side-hug and said to the kids, "Study hard, alright? Do well with your NEWTs next year."

"You sound like my dad!" I teased.

"I do not."

"You do."

"I don't."

"You really do!"

"I second that!" Sirius laughed, joining in on us, ruffling Remus' hair. Remus rolled his eyes,while the kids chuckled at their ridiculousness.

"Fine, I do," Remus sighed, chuckling.

"But seriously, study hard, okay?" I warned the kids,and they nodded. 

"Uh, Ms. Oakenhelm?" Neville shyly said.

"It's Green to you, Nev. You make me sound like an old lady," I joked.

He blushed deeply. "Can I... uh..."

I took Neville's shoulder, leading him to a corner out of everyone's earshot. "What's wrong, Neville?" I asked.

"C-Can you tell my parents that I love them? And... to stay brave, and that I'm here for them," he said, looking down on his feet.

I touched his shoulder, making him look up. "Of course I would," I smiled. "Stay brave too, Neville. I'm sure they're proud of you too."

He nodded, smiling. "Okay. Thank you."

"Green!" Sirius called from the other side. "Dumbledore is summoning us!"

"Yeah!" I yelled back. I turned to Neville and pat his shoulders. "Don't let anyone get you down. Your parents are always in your heart. And they're everywhere you go."

He said, "Thanks."

I nodded and jogged over to where everyone else were. I turned to Harry and smiled, "You might not know me but I think you're really freaking cool. Unlike your dad."

"Hey, I heard that!" James said, offended.

I laughed. "I know."

"Now, let's go back to the past and hopefully rewrite history," Sirius said.

"Come on," I said, determined. "Let's."



Ugh, school just started and it sucks so bad. So bear with me if I have late uploads.

Love you all!


Hannah x

 [Edited: March 28, 2015]

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