Chapter Twenty-Four: This Doesn't Look Like Home

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 I had my exams a day ago. And a Bible Quiz competition about a week ago. School is stressful. So I'm sorry if this is kinda late. Thank you for waiting <3

Anyway, here is chappie 24.



 Chapter Twenty-Four: This Doesn't Look Like Home

Dumbledore called us to the Astronomy Tower, instructing that that was where we were going to travel in time. We had to be there in exactly 10 minutes, or we will be staying here until another (very rare, I might add) hourglass comes along. I was filled with the desire to go home, but I found myself actually missing this place.

Not only was the experience downright awesome, but I've made memories here too. And good friends. 

"You alright?" Remus asked, holding my hand gently.

"Yeah," I nodded. He squeezed my hand, making me feel butterflies on my stomach. 

Damn those butterflies.

We have informed Peter that we were going to go. But despite our knowledge of his future self's intentions, we - most especially the Marauders- were willing to help him change. That doesn't mean we were still filled with hate, either. 

We walked in silence, all very nervous and excited of what was to come. 

But at the bottom of the stairs, we were stopped.

"Malfoy, what're you doing here?" Sirius asked, exasperated.

"Just figured out who you really are," Malfoy grinned proudly. He wasn't alone. He was with Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy. Pansy was smirking at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, good for you," smirked James. He tried passing them, but Crabbe's huge form stopped him.

"You're not going anywhere," Malfoy said. The Slytherins pulled out their wands, making us draw our own, too.

"Oh please," I sarcastically drawled. "You think you can beat our arses?"

"You're a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor," hissed Pansy, her face turning into an ugly glare.

"Yeah, maybe," I shrugged. "But the fact that we're in the same house doesn't mean I don't enjoy doing this!" I pointed my wand at her, yelling, "Flipendo!"

She was blown backward from the force, as I gave her a smug bow.

"That's the last straw..." Malfoy yelled a spell, and in the hallways, bright lights passed by. A duel commenced, and everyone was shouting spells at each other. Lily muttered the Jelly-Legs Kinx, causing Malfoy to fall on the floor.

"Mudblood!" he spat from his position, glaring up at Lily. "You filthy mudblood!"

"Don't call her that," both Severus and James sneered, stepping forward. 

Lily, glaring, said, "Stupefy!" Malfoy's arse glided across floor until his back hit the wall in a loud thud. 

"Come on now," Remus said, sighing. The rest walked up the stairs while Remus and I stayed. We looked at Crabbe and Goyle, their eyes terrified. 

I rolled my eyes.

"You want me to hex you?" I threatened, and they ran away like little girls. I grinned, looking up at Remus. He was grinning too. 

"That's my little princess."

"Hey," I glared playfully. "I'm nobody's little princess. I'm a warrior."

He pecked my lips. "I know," he breathed. I just smiled, my cheeks reddening.

Then it hit me; from all the consumed time, there were only a few more seconds until the hourglass shut. I told Remus, and we frantically ran upstairs. At the top, I saw a black portal above the hourglass. Our friends came inside them already, and nobody else was there.

15 seconds. 

I tripped. Bloody hell, I twisted my bloody ankle. Remus stopped to help me, his eyes worrying. We were on top of the stairs, with me helplessly dragging my body.

I was heavy, I admit, and if Remus doesn't go to the portal, we were gonna be gone forever. 

"Bloody hell, just go!" I yelled,dropping down, touching my swelling ankle.

5 seconds.

"No, I'm not going to leave you!" he took out his hand, but with my uninjured feet, I stood up, only half, and pushed him to the portal.

"NO!" he yelled, stumbling inside.

My eyes were filled with unshed tears, my ankle throbbing painfully. The portal closed, and that was the moment tears ran down my cheeks. 

I wasn't going to see them anymore - James, Sirius, Lily, Severus...


The thought of not being able to see them again killed me inside. I lay on the cold floor, not even minding my stupid ankle. I stared longingly at the hourglass, blinking my eyes rapidly as if it would magically appear. But nothing happened.

I closed my eyes. I wouldn't be able to sit with Severus in the Slytherin table anymore. I wouldn't be able to hear James' stupid jokes and see his equally stupid face. I wouldn't be able to laugh freely with Lily or talk with her. I wouldn't be able to listen to Sirius' arrogant remarks and witty comebacks. 

I wouldn't be able to hear Remus' voice anymore, nor would I be able to see him and trace my  fingers along his scars.

And my parents... they were probably worried sick about me. Dad will go to Hogwarts and stomp to Dumbledore's office, only to hear the news of me stuck in the 1990's. Mom will cry for days, and I won't be able to wipe her tears and reassure her that I was there, that I was fine.

I helplessly sobbed, my heart wrenching in pain as I thought of all the things I would be missing - of all the people I left behind. It hurt, knowing that I wouldn't be able to see them again.

Because this is my fate. This is how the story ends. This is where I'm stuck in for my entire life, and there's absolutely no way to stop it.


I turned 14 yesterday, and this is how I'm going to celebrate my birthday with you guys. [confetti] Golly, it's been a tough ride for me writing this. Only one more chapter to go and Green's story is over. 

Guys, thank you for 8k! You're all amazing people <3 I hope you liked this chapter and I hope I didn't disappoint.

Until next time,

Hannah x

[Edited: March 28. 2015]

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