Chapter Fourteen: Studying

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I haven't updated in a while, eh? Sorry :( 

PLUS, exams is in two days! YAAAY! (Not.) I felt sorry for updating so here I am, writing this thing and keeping y'all readers happy :) Because you totally deserve to be happy.


Chapter Fourteen: Studying

Without even telling our friends, they immediately found out about Remus and I. Really, the both of us tried to be subtle and everything, but I get the feeling that Sirius was the one who was spreading random hints around.

Remus and I were walking down the hallways to the library, our hands brushing against each other, when Pansy Parkinson stopped the both of us with her group of Slytherin girls.

"Hey, Parkinson," my tongue dripped of sarcasm. I tried to get past them, but Pansy only shoved me. I stumbled into Remus' arms, and jumped up, glaring at the spawn of Satan in front of me.

"What's your bloody problem?"

"Why are you hanging out with filthy mudbloods and Gryffindors?" she sneered, crossing her arms.

"Because I bloody can, now sod off," I hissed back. She chuckled darkly, stepping one foot closer to Remus and I.

"No, bitch."

OH. BLOODY. NO. She was crossing the line and nobody - nobody - calls me a bitch and gets away with it. I took her collar and slammed her to the wall roughly.

"Say that again and I swear I will turn your legs into jelly," Remus was trying to calm me down, but I refused to succumb to his words. My anger was at a boiling point.

Ever since I came to the Slytherin common room, Parkinson was already bombarding me with questions about my friends. She's also constantly telling me to get away from Malfoy, in which she ended up hanging on the highest point of our common room.

"Bitch," Parkinson spat in my face. I grinned and threw her off. I stepped back and pointed my wand at her.

"Levicorpus!" I said, and she hung upside-down in the air. Her little friends looked at me frighteningly . I turned to them with my most devious smile. "Boo."

They ran away and I rolled my eyes. Parkinson was yelling for me to let her go, but I just ignored her and walked past with Remus.

"Where'd you learn that?" he asked, an amused smile on her lips.

"Severus. He's a real talent," I said swiftly. "Glad you're not going to give me detention, prefect."

"Let me tell you a secret," he whispered in my ear, making me shiver. "I'm not a very good prefect." I smacked him on the head playfully as he only grinned back.

We walked to the library without any interruptions, and looked over a pile of books. I absolutely despise studying, but hey, Remus makes it so much better. We sat on the nearest empty chairs and started opening the books Remus bought.

"So, Remy -"

"Since when did you start calling me that?" he chuckled.

"Since I decided Master R.J. and Remus is just too long," I replied. He chuckled softly and started talking about potions and their specific reactions.

"So, Remy -"

"I need time to get used to that," he commented. I playfully shot him a glare and he jokingly put his hands in front of me as a form of defense. I chuckled.

I decided to focus by looking down at some book about the Goblin Revolution or something, when I had this warm feeling that someone was staring at me. Warm feeling. I am officially weird.

I looked back at Remy and found him staring intently at me. "What?" I asked softly, smiling. He pulled a strand of my hair in the back of my ears. 

"I don't know, you're just beautiful," he said, looking very mesmerized. I felt my blood rush to my cheeks, eyes widening. I shook my head, smiling.

"You're not so bad yourself, Remy," I winked, nudging him playfully on the ribs. He chuckled and shook his head, his nose being buried again in his book. Just then, a redhead sat infront of us.

"Lily!" I greeted her, closing my book.

"Hello, Lily," Remus said, smiling politely. That polite moron of mine.

"How are you two lovebirds?" she winked at us. We looked at each other and blushed.

"She's being very flirtatious lately," said Remy, putting an arm around my shoulder. I turned redder.

"Hey! You're the one being flirtatious, Remy!" I countered, sticking my tongue out at him.

Lily just looked at us and squealed. "Aww! You guys are so cute!" I smiled widely at her and as did Remy. "I wish I had a guy like that."

"Try James," suggested Remus.

"Yeah, try him. He might be perfect in your eyes one day," I winked at her jokingly.

"Potter? No," she said in a tone of finality. But I BLOODY SWEAR I saw a small blush creeping on her cheeks. She acted like she didn't even know.

Lily inquired Remus about prefect duties, then scampered off. I found Severus waiting for her. I waved at him, in which he returned.

Remus and I continued studying, without really studying.



More like a filler chapter...

Next one will be about a certain WERWOOOOOLF. *River Song voice* SPOILERS.

Anywho, I might update next week. My original update plan.





Hannah x

[Edited: March 25, 2015]

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