Chapter Twenty: Weasleys and Rumors

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Chapter Twenty: Weasleys and Rumors

"I cannot believe this," I whispered disbelievingly, staring up at all the new 'rules' Umbridge posted. Apparently, Dumbledore left and Umbridge replaced him as headmaster. It was a nightmare come true.

"What a toad," a voice from behind me said. I turned around and found the Weasley twins, looking up at the rules. 

"Yeah, no Weasley products?" George, I assumed, groaned. I looked up and found that Umbridge has banned them. 

"What a sucker," I told the twins as they snapped their attentions to me. "I liked your products." Fred beamed and put a hand on my shoulder. 

"Thanks, Green, but we can't do anything about it," Fred said. I saw George widen his eyes.

"Wait, I got it!" he exclaimed, dragging Fred away. The twins waved at me, leaving me curious. 

What were those two up to?


"Hey, Harry," I greeted when Harry entered the Great Hall. He smiled weakly and took a seat in front of me. Lily and I looked at each other and I shrugged. We ate our breakfast, but I was distracted by Neville.

He was holding a newspaper, his fists almost tearing the paper apart. I've never seen him look this upset before. For all the time I've been here, he was one of the softest people around - in a good way.

I cleared my throat, making him look up.

"Neville, can I borrow that?" I motioned to the newspaper. He nodded curtly and handed it to me. I read the title and felt Lily peak in. 


I knew who Bellatrix was. She was Sirius' foul cousin. I must say, I always assumed she'd be a lunatic someday. The picture of her on the page told me so. I read on. I skipped a few lines, but something caught my attention.

Cornelius Fudge, the Prime Minister, assumed that it was done with the help of Sirius Black since he had experience at escaping Azkaban before. I gasped, and Lily followed suit. I gave the paper back to Neville and turned to Harry.

"Why was Sirius Black in prison?" I asked him. He looked up, shifted uncomfortably, and sighed.

"He's..." he trailed off, but Dean, who was sitting nearby, completed the sentence.

"He's a murderer. Twelve years locked up in Azkaban. He even tried to murder Harry in thirrd Year," he said, cringing slightly at the name.

"Bit of a lunatic, if you ask me," Seamus piped in, shaking his head. Harry looked indifferent, like he wanted to tell something else, but I just shrugged it away.

I can't seem to understand. I saw Harry leave the table and exit the Great Hall. I turned back to Dean and Seamus.

"Really? My parents said he was really a nice guy," I defended Sirius. He can't be a murderer.  He may be a pain in the ass, but one thing Sirius Black isn't is a murderer. "Besides, aren't him and Harry's dad friends?"

"They were," Seamus replied in a hushed tone. "That's what they told me. Black sold the Potters to Voldemort. He's the reason they're dead."

I felt blood boiling in my veins, anger surging through me. But I was more worried about Lily. I turned to her, to find that she'd already left the Hall. With all the might to not punch something, I went after Lily.

This will not end well.


"What's wrong?" Remus asked worriedly, walking beside me when we were on our way to our O.W.L.s.

"I'm just nervous, O.W.L.s, you know," I lied, shrugging. Lily and I agreed to not tell anyone else about it yet, although I have a feeling the Marauders will find out soon enough. Remus looked at me odd but shrugged it off.

We reached the Great Hall when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and winced, the feeling of being betrayed consuming me. Sirius.

"I know you're lying," he whispered and sat on his seat. I narrowed my eyes at him when he wasn't looking, and sat on my seat. 

I tried to get my mind off of Sirius, but somehow even the intensity of the OWLs didn't seem to keep me on track. Of course, a part of me hoped that what Dean and Seamus said was only a rumor, but by the looks of it, there was no chance of him being innocent.

The test started and the first quesiton was: Give five characteristics of a werwolf.

That made me smile, my mind getting fuzzy. I thought in my head:

1.) He's really sweet.

2.) He has mousy brown hair and blue eyes.

3.) He's sitting behind me.

4.) I love him. 

5.) He loves me too.

But I doubt I'd get some credit if I answer that, so I leave that question behind for a bit and started the next one. I was already on the 10th question when Umbridge stood up and walked to the big door. I followed my gaze to her as as a small spark flew by.

I grinned. I know where this is going. 

All of a sudden, the Weasley twins flew inside with their broomsticks, throwing fireworks around. Everyone stood up, as colorful sparks illuminated the room. I joined in on the fun, forgetting everything for a moment. Besides, my paper already got blown away.

The twins flew outside, and everyone followed as the cheers of everyone rang across the whole castle. Fred and George flew to the air, and as their final display, released a firework which formed the letter W. We all cheered.

"WEASLEY! WEASLEY!" I chanted, and everyone followed. Even the lower years came by and joined us. The twins flew down and looked at Peeves (who was hovering nearby). 

"GIVE HER HELL FROM US, PEEVES!" they yelled in unison, then flew back to who knows where. Peeves nodded mischievously, a big wide grin plastered on his face.

Someone behind me fell, hitting me on the back. I turned around, finding Harry on the ground, his eyes elsewhere. My eyes widened as I rushed to help him.

What's happening?



I'm having a blast.

Have you watched the Croods? Because I cried. Last time I cried that hard was Fred's death. 


And Ooh, she knows the rumor about Sirius. :O

Hannah x

[Edited: March 26. 2015]

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