Chapter Twenty-One: Harry's Misfortune and Revelations

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To those of you who care: the new Green Oakenhelm is Georgie Henley (because she's fab). Also, I changed the cover. I hope you guys like it. :)

 WARNING: If you're still in denial of Sirius' death, you might want to be ready.



Chapter Twenty-One: Harry's Misfortune and Revelations

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him," Umbridge grinned evilly. My eyes widened, Draco's grip on my arm tightening. 

"You disgust me," I sneered to Umbridge. She only smiled at me maliciously and pointed her wand at Harry. I looked over at Lily and James, who were looking scared and trying to escape from Goyle's grip.

"NO! WAIT!" Hermione yelled desperately. "I-I can show you Dumbledore's secret weapon."

I looked at her with knowing eyes. I could tell she was lying; it's a Slytherin perk of mine. Umbridge lead Harry and Hermione outside.

"So, who wants some candies?" Sirius asked, smirking. Crabbe looked at him confusedly as he took out a piece of candy. Crabbe passed it on to Goyle, then Mr. Filch, then Malfoy.

"Uh, thanks," Goyle muttered unintellegently and the four swallowed the candies in unison. What stupid and gullible people.

I felt Malfoy let me go as he started vomiting all over the place. The other three followed suit, making a disgusting mess.

"Genius, Sirius!" exclaimed James, patting his friend on the back. 

"I wouldn't have done it with the Weasley twins' products," Sirius smirked, his hands on his pockets.

"Come on now," Neville told us. "We should go before they wear off."

Everyone nodded and ran outside. I was the last one out, and I smirked at the vomiting messes in front of me. I took out my wand and muttered, "Locomotor Wibbly!" Their feet instantly started shaking uncontrollably. It was such an amazing sight.

Satisfied, I ran to the hallway, catching up with my - should we call them - friends. 

"They were so stupid," I laughed. 

"I know," Sirius laughed too, but my happiness slightly died down. I remembered what Dean and Seamus said. Sirius made a face at me. "What is it?"

I shook my head. "Nothing." He just gave up as we walked over to the bridge, meeting Harry and Hermione.

"Are you guys okay?" Ginny asked worriedly.

"We're fine," Harry said seriously. "I need to get to the Department of Mysteries."

"What? Why?" Remus asked.

"I just need to go now," Harry was going to run, but James grabbed his arm.

"You're not leaving without us," he said firmly. I smiled. They were having a father-son moment.

Lily nodded her head. "Yeah, either you go with us, or not at all."

Harry looked at all of us gratefully, James' hand falling down. "Really?" Harry asked.

"Heck yes!" I exclaimed. "We're Dumbledore's Army, and we fight together."

Harry didn't waste any time at all. "What could we use to go there?" he asked.

"Broomsticks?" Hermione suggested.

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