Chapter Twenty-Two: Explanations

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Sorry for the long wait. :/ But here it is! I hope you like it.


Chapter Twenty-Two: Explanations

"Hey, you okay?" I asked nervously, walking towards Sirius outside Hogwarts. It's been a day since the Voldemort incident, and we all haven't got over it just yet.

"Yeah," he replied, not looking up. I sat next to him under the tree and crossed my legs.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. Finally, he looked up at me, and I'm the one who looked down.

"It isn't your fault I died, my future me," he chuckled nervously.

"No, that's not what I meant," I said, looking up at him. His eyes filled with confusion as I sighed. "Dean Thomas said you were a murderer, and the news paper said so, too. I began doubting you and thought you were. God, I feel awful."

I put my head in my hands, refusing to looking at Sirius. I thought he would yell at me or walk away. But he didn't. Instead, he rubbed my back. I looked up at him confusedly. 

"You're not mad?" I asked.

"I would've thought that, too," he joked, finally took his hand from my back. 

"I'm serious."

"I highly doubt that since I am Siri - "

"Okay, fine. Shut up. That joke sucks," I chuckled softly and stared into his eyes. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For not being a complete b*tch."

"Well, your welcome," Sirius replied sarcastically, leaning on the tree. I mimicked him. He looked down on me. We sat in silence, I was too busy examining his grey eyes. I had to admit, they were gorgeous. He leaned towards me, and we were inches from each other. I could feel his breath. I didn''t move, and I didn't know why. 

"Hey, you two!" a voice yelled, which made me snap out of it. I stood up quickly and faced Remus. 

"Remy," I greeted. He pecked me softly on the cheek and greeted Sirius as well.

"We need to meet Harry and the others," Remus informed. "We have to explain everything to Harry."

"Everything?" SIrius asked.

Remus nodded. "Everything."


"Who are you, really?" Harry asked curiosly at us. And by 'us', I meant Harry, Hermione, Ron, Lily, James, Remus, Sirius, Severus and I. Peter wasn't invited.

"I'm Lily Evans," Lily said in a soft, comforting voice. She pointed to James. "He's James Potter."

The trio gaped at them, unable to find the words. Harry's eyes held hope, bewliderment, and a bit of anger. He just stared at the two, and looked back to his feet.

Hermione pointedly looked at Sirius. "I'm figuring you're Sirius," she said and then turned to Remus. "And you're Remus - "

"You kissed your former professor!" Ron exclaimed suddenly, making Hermione's cheeks flush.

"You look like Professor Snape," Harry looked at Severus, his voice strained. 

"Who're you?" Hermione asked, looking at me expectantly.

I gulped. "Green Oakenhelm," I said in a quiet voice. "You... probably don't know me."

Everyone sat in silence. It was very uncomfortable and awkward, since this was the moment everyone feared would come. Nobody said how they disliked the atmosphere, but I knew. It's written in their faces.

Lily stood up all of a sudden, and walked towards Harry. Without words, Harry stood up and hugged her tightly, his eyes glassy. He looked like he was about to cry. I couldn't blame him, though. James stood up also and Harry hugged him next.

As they let go, Harry asked, "How long have you been dating?"

I grinned as Lily blushed. "No, I'm not dating him." The trio furrowed their eyebrows. James put his arm around Lily.

"Not yet," he winked at her as she blushed redder. Awwwww.

"Wait," Hermione piped up, causing everyone to look at her. "Does that mean your other friend is Peter Pettigrew?"

"Uh, yeah, why?" Sirius said confusedly. The trio started fuming, and I was scared as to why.

"Why?" I asked, eager for an answer.

"He was the one who sold Harry's parents to Voldemort," Hermione answered, looking at her lap. The moment she said it, everyone burst in anger. Even Severus, surprisingly.

"That bastard," Sirius angrily muttered, his hands clenched into fists. "He's the reason why you two died!" He looked up at Lily and James, who were standing in shock. 

"I - I can't believe it," murmured James. 

"After all we did for him," supplied Remus. His fists were clenched, too. I put my hand above his fist as he relaxed at my touch.

"But we can change the future," I suggested. "We can... put someone else as Secret Keeper. To avoid James and Lily's deaths."

"History cannot be rewritten," Severus piped up for the first time. "One way or another, Dumbledore will stop you from doing what you plan to do."

"What do we do then?" I countered. "Let my two friends die?"

"No, but -"

"We can pretend that we don't know anything," Sirius said. I smiled at him as a form of thanks for taking my side, but my smiled faltered when he sent me a wink.

"Whatever we do, he'll figure out," Remus said, his voice slightly straining. Did he see Sirius wink at me? 

"It's our only hope," James said. "I don't want my friends to be lonely, or to die." Lily and James shared a look and I almost squealed despite of the seriousness in the air.

"Well, it's worth a shot," I said and everyone nodded. Remus put his arm around my waist as I smiled at him.

It's worth a shot.


Hola mishamigos.

Sorry it took so long. My computer went batshit crazy. And when it was fixed, I typed this up but the POWER WENT OUT AND IT WASN'T SAVED.

So I had to type again. I hope you enjoyed this. :)

Oh and THANK YOU FOR THE 5K READS! I love you all!


Hannah x

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