Chapter Fifteen: A Werewolf in Hogwarts?

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Thank you for waiting and here is Chapter Fifteen.



Chapter Fifteen: A Werewolf in Hogwarts?

I was alone at the Slytherin common room, laying on the green couch in an uncomofrtable position and staring at the flames from the fireplace. It's been a long time since I've been separated from anybody. Luckily, the common room was empty. Sometimes it's healthy to keep away from everybody.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'm missing my friends!

I immediately stood up, and ran for the door. But before I touched the knob, it opened. And in came the slimy face of Pansy Parkinson and her two equally slimy friends. I rolled my eyes, not really in the mood for her stupid face.

"Williams," she sneered.

"Parkinson," I hissed. "Get out of my way or I'll leave you and your two friends hanging from the ceiling."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh please. You wouldn't dare."

"Really? Why would I not do that?"

"You'd not want to anger Draco too, do you?" she asked in a fake sweet voice. Wait, what the hell does Malfoy have to do with this?

"You don't know my life," I said and pointed my wand at her. "Levicorpus!"

Instantly, she hung upside down, her robes falling down from gravity. I did the same to her friends, and the small amount of people who witnessed it cheered. They told me to get them down, but I didn't.

"Easy as pie," I whispered in Pansy's ear. I walked away, saying loudly, "It's as if you like being hung like that, Parkinson!"

I left the Slytherin common room with cheers and screams behind me. 

I walked around the castle until I spotted Lily sitting on a bench with a book in hand.

"Hey!" I called, waving at her. She looked up from her book and smiled widely.


"What's up?"

"Nothing," she said, her mouth in a somewhat straight line. "Just studying."

"I know you're bothered by something, now shoot," I said, scooting down next to her. Her lips almost told me a lie when I stopped it, shooting her a raised brow. She sighed deeply, her shoulders deflating.

"I talked to Harry this morning. And while talking, he told me all about his parents. Apparently, it's me and Potter," she said, in an effort for it to sound distasteful. Actually, her tone held a sort of... happiness in them. 

"What? That's great! I mean, Potter is a dweeb, but I think you can learn to love him sooner or later."

"It's not that I'm worrying about. He said we were  dead. Years ago. And we abandoned him, Green. He was left with my awful sister," Lily's lips trembled, her fingers fidgeting. I placed an arm on her back. "Harry said he lived on a cupboard under some stairs. He told me as if he was used to it, Green. I can't bear looking at him now after what he said."

Knowing about your death must be hard, but knowing how much it hurt her son must've been so much worse. I took a deep breath.

"Atleast you got to be with him now, right?" I said. "You get a chance to be with Harry. Instead of avoiding him, go spend time with him. Besides, he's in good hands. Ron and Hermione are great people, and they seem to care about him a lot."

"You're right," Lily said. "I just feel awful for - "

"Dying?" I completed. A sharp pang in my chest appeared as soon as I said those words, but I needed to turn her head around and see the good side of things. "Death is inevitable. It's not your fault. What matters now is that you love your son. Well, do you?"

She looked up at me and smiled. "Yes, I do."

"Then why are you beating yourself up over it?" I stood up, taking her hand and putting an arm over her shoulder. "Harry is a great guy. I'm sure he forgives you. And I'm also sure that he loves you just as much as you do."

"Thank you, Green," Lily said, giving me a tight hug.

"No worries, friend," I smiled, seeing Lily be happy again. "Now let's go find the boys."


"Hey Lils," I tugged on Lily's arm, after hearing a distant howl that made my hair stand to an end. "Did you hear that?"

"Y-Yeah," she replied, trying to sound brave. We took our wands out as we heard the crunching of leaves behind one of the bushes.

"Oh my wizard god!" I exlaimed, as a dark shadow stepped out. I pointed my wand at it as it moved closer. Sirius appeared, his face being lit up by the light of the full moon. I lowered my wand, sighing deeply.

"What're you two doing here?!" he asked frantically, obviously concerned and scared. He had a blackening bruise on his right cheek that looked like it hurt really bad.

"We could ask you the same," I replied.

"Stop being a smartass, Green. Just... run!" he said, walking over to us and pushing us not-so-gently away from where the sound was coming from.

"What's happening?" LIly plucked up the courage to ask. Before Sirius could answer, a huge monster appeared. Its beady eyes stared into me, hungry. A stag appeared just after him and they were emerged into a brawl. 

Sirius looked at me with his big, sad eyes and transformed into a big dog.

"Y-You're an Animagus?!" I managed to blurt out.

"Green, there's a werewolf in front of you and you have a problem with him being an Animagus?" Lily said. The werewolf heard us, as his dangerous eyes snapped to us, his teeth showing from a growl. My feet overtook me as Lily and I ran along the trees.

The stag and Sirius appear to be helping us, but they were no match for the werewolf.

"Why is there a werewolf in Hogwarts?!" LIly asked, whilst we were running for our lives.

"He must be Hagrid's!" I guessed.

"Dumbledore wouldn't allow that!" Lily yelled back. I shrugged and ran faster. I heard the werewolf catching up on us, as I tried firing spells at the beast. But it didn't work. My legs felt weak, and just as I suspected, I tripped and fell flat on the ground. 

Lily turned to me and started to run back towards me.

"RUN!" I called to her. She was about to hesitate, but someone behind me called her and told her, "RUN, LILY!" It was James. Lily looked at him for a second before shaking her head.

"NO!" she yelled, running to me and firing really complex spells at the werewolf. It didn't work, and the wolf got to me. He scratched me on the face, stepping on my chest with his paw. It was enough for me to black out.


[Edited: March 25, 2015]

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