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I haven't updated in a week and  half and I am utterly sorry!

But I've got a good reason though. My computer mouse broke, you see, and it keeps freezing.

PLUS, school just started a few days ago and my classmates and I were piled with homework and requirements. Yeah, it was hard.

Well, that's enough of my long rambling, here is the tenth chapter. ENJOY :]


The three remaining Marauders and I were strolling through Hogsmeade. Remus and Lily went off to Flourish and Blotts, and we agreed to meet at the Three Broomsticks. Potter was being a bit down about the whole idea, but managed to put up a fake smile.

"Where to?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"ZONKO'S!" the three chorused.

I sighed and shook my head, muttering "Boys."

I didn't mind much, though. As much as I hate the Marauders' antics than the next guy, I somehow enjoy their pranks. Some of them, actually, that doesn't involve me. 

We almost entered  the shop, until a voice called "WILLIAMS!"

I know that voice. I turned around and sighed. It was Malfoy.

"Hey," I sneered. As far as I know, Draco Malfoy was just as bad as Lucius Malfoy was.

"What are you doing with these filth?!" sneered Mafloy. His cronies, Crabbe and Goyle just nodded in greement. Stupid goons.

Potter and Black growled back, as little Pettigrew just squirmed at their backs.

"Uh, they're friends, Malfoy. If you can't accept that, just scram," I said. 

"Friends?" his face softened a bit. "Oh, I- I won't bother," he lied, he was obviously glaring at the Gryffindors at my back. "See you, Williams." He winked and went off. What did I do to deserve this?

Black and Potter were still scowling.

"Hey, stop it, you two. Come on now," I ordered in a stern face. They shook their heads and we proceeded to Zonko's.

"Friends?" asked Black, grinning.

"Don't get your hopes up, I just wanted him to sod off," I rolled my eyes as he pouted. "Stop your act, Black, I'm not falling for your - what's that? - charm or whatever," I rolled my eyes again as he playfully punched me.


It was his turn to roll his eyes. Potter dragged him inside Zonko's while I followed them. I didn't really want to buy anything here, really.


A few hundred years later (30 minutes), the boys went out and we went to Honeydukes.

"Honeydukes, Honeydukes, candy, rainbows, happiness, unicorns, chocolate, Honeyduuuukes!" I sang as I skipped to Honeydukes. I love candy. I want to marry it.

At the store, I bought some chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott's and sugar quills. While scanning some new sweets, someone tapped my back. I turned around and found Black.

He took out a Bertie Bott's bean and said, "I dare you to try this."

The color of the bean was brown. I measured my chances. Poop-flavored beans were pretty rare, so I hope my luck doesn't run out today. I ate it in one bite.

"EUUUUURGH -" I growled as Black smirked.

"Ha! It's chocolate. Jokes on you!" I stuck my tongue out at him, chewing the delicious chocolate bean. He punched me on the arm, leaving me to rub it playfully. That was the hundredth time he did that.

I was still rubbing my arm quite exaggeratedly until the two (Pettigrew was no help) dragged me out and we went to  the Three Broomsticks. 

Remus and Lily were already there and had quests. It was Harry, Hermione and Ron. We sat down  in and greeted each other. From what I've heard, the three, Remus and Lily were talking about how Remus was related to Professor Lupin.

"HELLOOOOOOO!" I sang, slipping between Remus and Lily, and hugging their necks.

"Hi Green," said Lily, smiling at me.

"Hello, Green," said Remus. I took off my hands and placed it on my lap.

"We've already ordered for you, guys. Butterbeer," said Harry. I started to take out some Galleons to pay Harry, but he said "No need for that."

"Thanks, Harry," I said gratefully as we waited for our orders. 

"How  are you related to Harry, Michael?" asked Ron, conversationally looking at Potter.

"I don't even know. I lived in New Zealand, see, and my parents have never told me about you," lied Potter smoothly.

Harry frowned and Ron gave him a curious look. "So you've never heard of Harry Potter ever before?" asked Hermione indecrously.

"Er - no," said Potter.

The three gave each other confused looks. "Surely you've heard of him? He's world-wide famous!" said Ron.

Hm, I wonder.

"Er..." I asked, looking around awkwardly. 

"Just tell them," Harry said uncomfortably. Hermione and Ron looked at each other and took a deep breath.

"Harry, if you're not ready to talk about this, we won't barge in," said Lily with a small smile.

"Yeah, what she said. We'll respect your privacy," I added. Harry thankfully smiled at us as our butterbeers arrived.


WOOOW. That was a bit sadder than expected. Whatever.


And I will update only once a week because SCHOOL. Okay? Thank you for all your support. <3

See you,
Hannah x

[Edited: March 23, 2015]

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