Chapter Eight: Spin the bottle

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Chapter Eight: Spin the bottle

It’s the night before Saturday and I am currently with Severus in the Gryffindor common room. I know, it’s really awkward with all the other lions staring at the both of us. Yeah, I understand the undying rivalry of Slytherin and Gryffindor, but can't they just appreciate that we're trying to make friends?

So I eventually got enough of them and just ignored those pesky little lions.

Anyway, I am currently sitting with some friends in a circle, and we sat in the order of Me, Remus (Yes, I started calling him that), Severus, Lily, Black, Potter, Pettigrew, Harry, Hermione and Ron.

Yep, they’re now part of our little circle of friends. Yay!

So, Black suggested we play spin the bottle, a muggle game. I don’t know how it actually worked, but Lily explained that the bottle will be spun, then whomever it lands to is asked ‘Truth or Dare’ and the person spins the bottle and the whole process starts again.

See, mum never plays anything in the house, so I’m oblivious to these sort of things. Growing up, I never really had a lot of friends. That sounded pathetic. 

Okay, I was shocked to hear Black suggest it, since he was a pureblood.

Lily spun the bottle and it landed to her. “Truth or Dare?” I asked, particularly jumping up and down my seat. See, if she says Dare, I’ll dare her to kiss either Severus or Potter. And if she chooses truth, well, I’ll leave that to the others.

“Truth!” she said.

“Awh, you’re no fun!” I joked, crossing my arms. Everyone chuckled and Harry decided to ask her.

“Hm… from a scale of 1 – 10, how much do you think Ron is attractive?” Harry asked. I laughed, and as did everyone else.

“Truth is… 6,” blushed Lily. We laughed harder. The bottle was spun again.

It landed on Hermione.

“Truth or Dare?” I asked.

“Dare!” she said.

“Now that’s a true Gryffindor!” I joked, as she laughed. “Lily, will you do the honors?” I turned to Lily.

“Pleasure,” she replied.

“Hermione, I dare you to kiss any boy in this room for ten seconds!”

I laughed, my stomach almost ached. Hermione blushed deeply, thinking of whom to snog. She walked to Remus and they kissed. I didn’t laugh at all. I feel something odd inside of me. What was it? Jealousy, perhaps? Envy? Oh my gosh, these people made me into a drama llama myself!

“...4…3…2…1… Stop!” Lily stopped counting as the two parted.

“Did you like it, Romulus?” asked Potter, nudging his friend. Hermione was red all over, and Ron looked somewhat jealous. Aw, Ron has a crush on Hermione! Sweet. Everyone suddenly burst out laughing, even Hermione managed to laugh. The bottle was spun again.

It landed on Black.

“Truth or Dare?” I asked.

“DARE!” he yelled, thumping his fist in the air. Merlin, exaggerated much?

“Anyone care to do the honors?” I looked around. Potter smirked and held up his hand. I nodded at him and he said, “I dare you to snog Williams!” I gulped.

“Bloody piss!” I mumbled before Black’s lips met mine. I have to admit though, he is a good kisser. I didn’t remember how long we kissed, because Potter forgot to say how many seconds. So, after about a million years later (kidding, it was only 10 seconds), we pulled apart. I was gasping for breath.

“You are a terrible kisser,” I muttered between gasps. His eyes went wide.

“Kidding, I’d rate it an 8/10,” I said, and he smirked. No, I didn’t mean it that way.

“You totally love me,” he said, still smirking, and he crossed his arms victoriously.

“Oh, please, Black. I wouldn’t go as low as your standards,” I shrugged.  He just looked at me and wriggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. Merlin, does he think every girl falls in his feet or is he just that determined and cocky, as Lily put it?

The bottle was spun again and it landed on Pettigrew. He squeaked.

“Truth, truth!” he immediately said before I got the chance to ask him. Seriously, nobody speaks without my permission (MUAHAHAHAHA), but I let it slide because I’m a nice person.

“Truth, eh? Hm… Tell us your biggest secret,” I told him. He thought for a minute then –

“I – uh, I’m actually afraid of cats,” he said.

I gaped at him. “WHAT?! THAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET?” I yelled, almost hysterically. I mean, come on! There must be more in that lying head of his!

“Y-Yes,” he sqeaked.

“Fine, I’ll let it slide, but that’s two times today, Barlow,” I said threateningly.

“When’s the first?” asked Harry.

“Oh, dear Curiosity, see, I never let people talk without my permission, which is just what Mr. Barlow here just did a couple of seconds ago,” I joked. Everyone chuckled except Pettigrew who looked scared.

I spun the bottle again and it landed on Remus.

“Truth or dare?” I asked, before he could even speak.


“Oh, wimp,” I teased. He just rolled his eyes in a joking manner.

“Hm, do you have – even the tiniest – crush on anyone here?” I asked, wriggling my eyes.

“Oh, uh,” he said, looking down. He was blushing! I think he looked cute. Oh, those thoughts again!

Admit it, you like him.

No, I don’t. He’s a Gryffindor, and a *insert shudder here* Marauder.

Who cares? You think he’s cute, funny, smart, nice, se –

Don’t say that!

Fine, adios.

Fun fact! I named my inner conscience Vivian. Don’t judge me. Okay, so Remus was still looking down. Everyone was pushing him for the answer. He then mumbled something under his breath, “Un,”

Un? WHO IN THE NAME OF MERLIN’S LONG, SILVERY BEARD IS UN? “Un,” he muttered again. Now everyone was pressing their ears on his face.

“I SAID NO ONE!” he yelled, blushing furiously. Everyone flinched. Their fault. I knew he was lying. I can see through that façade. He was blushing and looking down, so I know something’s up.

“That was totally uncalled for!” declared Potter sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. I looked back at Remus and caught him looking at me in the eyes. He turned away, and I did too. This is getting really awkward. 

We continued the game for a while, until I started to yawn and drift off to sleep.


Hey, so this is more of a filler chapter, soooo... 

Who do you think Remus likes? [Oh gosh, I'm not so good at making people guess but meh.]

THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU. P.S. I have nothing against Ron. I think he's a strong 8 for me. Just wanted to make things funny (or just make you angry at me, idc.)

Hannah x

[Edited: March 20, 2015]

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