1. School...

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It was my first day of school. And my first day at this school. I felt how I got more and more nervous as I got out of my car and walked against the big wooden doors that were waiting for me. God... Why did my mom have to move to this boring town after the divorce? I mean, why couldn't we just stay in LA for me. I know it sounds selfish but I had all my friends in LA. And now I have to get new friends, even though it's my second high school year. It's just messed up. Everything is messed up.

As I thought these negative thoughts, I opened the heavy wooden door. And as I stood there I just stared at the long hallway that was in front of me. It was people EVERYWHERE! It was people on the ground, sleeping, jumping up and down, running and skateboarding. I couldn't even take a step, I was stuck. Someone suddenly pushed me so I fell on a blonde girl.

"Woaw...!!!" I screamed as I landed on the blonde girl's body.

I was standinig on my four with her below me.

" Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Mhm.... "she groaned in pain more than an answer.

"I am so sorry" I was still standing on my four above her, with my face inches away from hers.

" No I am fine, how about you?" she asked me. I knew she was in pain, and yet she asked me how I was. I thought that was really sweet of her.

" I am fine." I said and smiled to her. And then I just stared at her. She had a beautiful face with the perfect eyebrows and a pretty smile.

" Uhm.... I'm sorry to interrupt your staring, but can you get off me?" she suddenly said with a big smirk on her face.

I was blushing so hard at that moment. Even though I saw that she smiled back at me, I never noticed she saw me staring at her. Even though that's pretty obvious.

" Haha you're blushing!!" She said and teased me.

I then realized I was still above her so I stood up and offered her a hand. She grabbed it and pulled herself up.

"Thanks!" she said. "I am Cara by the way."

"Nice to meet you Cara. I am Kendall, a new girl."

" So are you a freshman?"

"No I'm not. I'm on my second year." I explained and smiled at her.

"Oh me too! And look! You are even in the same class as me!" she said and pointed at one of my papers that i held in my hand.

"C'mon! Let's go to our first class." She said and grabbed my arm and lead me to one of the classrooms.

The classroom was filled with students. Everyone with their own face and own body. Cara lead me once again, to a seat that was empty. She sat down right next to me. I was so happy, I got a friend on the first day. Suddenly I hear Cara talk to someone else behind us.

"Yeah she's a new student." Cara said with a british accent.

I got very confused. She didn't have that accent when I was talking to her earlier. So I asked her about it.

"Hey Cara." I said, and she turned around and looked at me." Have you always had that british accent?"

" Yes babe, I just didn't use it this morning when I was talking to you. I do that sometimes just because to practise some american accent. I was living in London before we moved here for 3 years ago." She explained with her beautiful accent.

The teacher came in and the class started. I didn't have a chance to say anything more to Cara the whole class. But I knew that I was totally in love with her voice. And I couldn't stop staring at her beautiful face the whole class. I guess she noticed it because she turned to me and smiled.

When the class was over, I grabbed Cara's arm.

"Wait, Cara! Where do we go now?" I asked confused.

"Oh we're having lunch. Do you want to eat with me?"

"Yes please!" I answered and felt so relieved that I didn't have to eat in the bathroom alone.


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