2. Lunch with this beauty

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So my first day of school this year started of very good. A new girl called Kendall fell on me and, well, we became friends. I am actually the popular girl in this school and I usually never want to get new friends, but I mean, she seemed kinda confused here so I thought why not. And now I'm gonna eat lunch with her, so I thought that I could introduce her to my other friends.

"So this is the cafeteria" I said. 

She looked around with a nervous expression on her face. Wasn't she happy? Was there anything wrong?

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I just... You know... It feels like everyone is staring at me" she whispered shyly.

"Don't worry. You're with me." I said and smiled at her. "C'mon let's eat."

We grabbed our food and sat down at the round table in the middle where the popular kids sit. Or I would rather say, where me and my friends sit everyday.

"Hey guys, this is Kendall, a new girl" I said short and started to eat.

Kendall was acting really awkward. I mean if I haven't thought that she was really beautiful I would've ditched this girl. Wait what? I have a boyfriend, so stop them weird thoughts already!

"Hi Kendall! I am Harry, aka Cara's boyfriend." Harry suddenly disturbed my thoughts.

"Oh... Hi." Kendall just said awkwardly.

"And I am Karlie" 

And all my other friends, Selena, Taylor, Niall, Liam and Zayn said hello. After a while, Kendall started to act normal. Thank god! She wasn't as nervous as she was before, and less awkward. In fact, she was really funny and just so nice in every way. And her hair! ugh! It was gorgeous. It was long and brown and shiny. I just wanted to hug her so I could get a chance to smell it. I'm sure it smells like a beautiful summer night. 

"Stop thinking about her, Cara!" I suddenly said to myself.

"What?" Everyone was looking at me now.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked schocked and embarrassed.

"Yes you did." Kendall said with a smirk. "And who is this girl you are thinking of?"

My cheeks were burnning.

"No one? Why would I think of a girl when I have a boyfriend?" I leaned over to Harry and gave him a kiss. Oddly enough I didn't like it. At all. And I could see that Kendall kind of reacted when I kissed him. She doesn't have the same feelings for me as I am feeling for her, right? Or wait, who said that I have feelings for her? Because I am pretty sure I'm in love with Harry. And Harry only.

"Uhm.... Are you done?" I asked Kendall.

"Yeah. What do we do now?" She asked and stood up.

"What about a walk?" I said while we were leaving the cafeteria.

"I would love to." She said.

I smiled and lead her outside the school. And we started to walk. It was quite beautiful.


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