Part 9

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We reached the house we headed in, I headed straight for the kitchen to start lunch while Morgan immediately grabbed my laptop booted it up and checked my email. I rolled my eyes reached into the fridge and pulled out some turkey and veggies to make some sandwiches. "She replied," she excitedly squealed, one would think she was the one going on this date, she sat there and started reading it aloud.


Hey Lacey,

I was surprised when Lauren came busting into the office insisting I check my email and was elated to see something from you. It's been a while since I've been asked out on a date, but to have been asked out by you was nothing short of Wow, To be completely honest, I've been hoping for this since the first time I saw you in person and hope this little admission doesn't scare you away, especially after the way I've treated you.

"See I knew this was going to be a great idea" Morgan smirked. "Women love this kind of stuff," She said as she continued reading.

I hope my answers aren't too boring for you.

1. Which do you prefer Art or Music? -- Both, especially when they are combined, I may not look it but I'm a fan of old movie musicals, like Singing in the rain, My fair lady, Funny girl, Rent and the list goes on.

2. What is your Favorite / least favorite food? I'll try anything once, but I absolutely love Chinese take out if you consider that food. lol.. I hate celery.

3. What's your favorite place in the entire world? - I haven't thought of a favorite place, three are a lot of places I'd love to visit, but if I had to choose locally I love the park, any park actually, just the feel of the outdoors.

4. What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday? - Just lazing around the house, or going to the park.

5. With Halloween around the corner. What is the coolest thing you have ever been for Halloween? - Sadly as an adult I've never dressed up for Halloween a few mask balls, but nothing exciting.

There's so much I want to learn about you but I haven't the slightest clue about where to start, so to start you can answer the same question.



"So you want to answer them and I'll type." Morgan volunteered.

" No, I think I can manage, I'll do it when you leave." Just as I said that her phone rang.

"De Luca" she answered, "I'll take a look at it when I get there," She said to whoever called, "yeah, see you about thirty minutes," She said before hanging up. "I got to run Lace, they were able to transfer all his data over to another laptop but are unable to break the encryption."

"You know I'm good at that I should come," I said moving to grab my jacket.

"It's ok we have some time before he returns, they rerouted all his incoming and outgoing access, emails excreta, if he logs on remotely we'll know and if he tries to send anything from that computer we'll be able to hold back what we need to."

"But," I tried as she cut me off.

"If I can't break the encryption you'll be the first one I come to, I promise," She said heading to the door.

"Fine," I grumbled. Once the door closed, I grabbed the sandwiches I made, sat in front of the opened laptop and re-read Amelia's email. I didn't know what to do at this point this was all new to me I've never really gone a date or been in a relationship with anyone other than Jackie.

Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Where stories live. Discover now