The Girl with Scarlet Wrists Chapter 16

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Heyllo my little bagel and baguettes!

Ha those are two different breads >:) Fail. Anyway enjoy the new chapter. You may be surprised by her decision. Comment/Vote/Fan <3 <--------- Shouldn't that be at the end? Oh well!


Chapter 16:

When I calmed down enough to think things through, I entered the house. All eyes on me, conversations halted.

I gulped as a I brought Julia upstairs to her bed and tucked her in.

I kissed her forehead and shut her room door behind me.

I could hear the loud conversations again, and when I slowly made my way down the marble staircase, they froze looking at me.

"What!?" I snapped.

"Is there a bug on my forehead. Continue on. That's all you guys seem to do."

Kara looked at me apologetically, while Marissa kept sending Elizabeth angry glares.

Marissa spoke up first. "I think its a crazy idea. We cant spend 2 years with our daughter and then ship her off to some foreign country to run some corporation that we have no clue of their intentions." She made an exasperated gesture.

And then began the arguing. Again.

I cleared my throat but the didn't seem to hear me.

"EHH-HEM!" I cleared it loud enough. Hopefully I didn't wake Julia.

"Look. Maybe its not a bad idea for me to go."

Marissa looked as if she was about to break down and clutch my ankles.


"Let me finish for once dammit!" I grunted. I don't usually cuss in front of them but damn their annoying.

"Look. Their not shipping me off anywhere. Yes I realize its very far away, but think about it if you were in my position.

How could you live letting down thousands of people. Destroying jobs as far as the eye can see. It's like if Hood milk went out business. The supply and demand rate would heighten by sixty percent." I calculated in my head.

Elizabeth's face lit up. "See! She already takes after her father."

"Its not like you'll never see me again. It's just like getting a job. I have hours and pay and not to mention philanthropy. It will be a new start after recovering from... my er... condition." I said the last part a little softer.

Elizabeth raised her eyebrow.

I sighed. "Leave it." I raised a hand in resign.

She nodded figuring it wasn't worth getting into. Actually it was, but no one needs a scandal on their hands. If I accept. Should I? Should I not. Geesh. why can't I be a normal teenager for once and worry about homework instead of running a corporation?

 "Look I need rest to think this over. This is a lot to handle in one night. I mean for crying out loud I'm seventeen. Can I live my life be for I give it up?"

"Your right honey, why don't you take your friends upstairs to finish that movie you were watching." Marissa nodded towards the stairs.

I was going to do that anyway... wackjob.

I towed Sammy, Kara, and Rachel upstairs, where they politely didn't push the subject any further. We finished the movie and popped another one in.

What the hell am I going to do?


Sitting in the kitchen with my parents, and Elizabeth at a table, alone just couldn't be more awkward.

The intense stares, brain cramps, and not so calming tea.

I slammed my fists down on the table. "Damn I can't take anymore of this useless silence. Look I'm just going to do it, okay. I'm going to go there and do what I have to do. I can't let these people down." I reasoned brushing stray hairs out of my face.

Marissa tensed. "Layla-"

"Save it! I've made my decision. I'm sick of the mindless bickering." I huffed, looking at her coldly.

She shrunk back a little.

"So how does this work?" I asked sitting straighter and directing my attention to Elizabeth.

She cleared her throat.

"Well er. You'll be moved to Europe for training for about 3-4 years. You'll have private tutors to keep up with your studies as well as the trainers. After that you will be transferred to Russia where you will live comfortably in a safe house, some where along the beach." She smiled.

I sighed exasperated "Don't sugar coat it, what about the work, hours days, weeks?"

She looked a little surprised "Oh well you'll be in your office at Uhbevc towers were you will look over marketing advertisements, new products, approve of the monthly goal, stocks, and iconic bureaus. Usually lasts a couple hours. 6-7 tops. Then your free to retire to your home." She said planning out things on her paper.

I nodded.

In 1 year I would be dropping everything I knew and moving back to the place of my nightmares.


Chase's Pov:

She's moving to Russia? Fuck!
Rachel sat across from me cleaning up the broken pieces of wall that I punched earlier.

She shook her head when she looked up at me. "Destroying the damn house won't bring her back dumbas-"

"Watch your mouth." I snapped at her.

She laughed "Yeah cause your setting a great example for me big bro. I can't even look at you." She shivered and retreated into the kitchen.

This is my fault. All of it. I can't remember much from that night. I'll I remember is Amanda partially naked in front of me.

'Great memory.' I thought sourly.

She left a day or two ago. Good riddance.

I have no idea where she went but hopefully its far away from here.


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Please Comment/Fan/Vote!

Love yah!


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