The Girl with Scarlet Wrists Chapter 35

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Epilouge 4 :

The Final Chapter.

7 years later:

Choosing to move back to my home country, best thing that has ever happened to me!

Arriving there I was terrified of going back to the place I once feared the most.

The place that once haunted me in my nightmares and taunted me as a child. Those dreams of a strange place you didn’t know, and you feel that fear in your chest, as the hairs on the back of your neck rise up on high alert. Once I really sat down and took a look at the place.

I felt that sensation flood me again.


Something I haven’t felt in so long! Being in America, felt like a big sleepover.

Strange and awkward, not being comfortable in your own surroundings, and finally being here, it’s like my sense of direction has finally found its way home.

Coming back was hard, but the people made it easier.  Walking down the street I would hear exclaims and watch people point in delight, almost felt as if I were some type of celebrity here.

Apparently my father and his work was highly respected here, so the people were shocked to see Larissa Ivanova coming back and actually being alive. After all there were rumors of my death.

Which in return made the company stretch for a new CEO, let’s just say he ran it straight to the ground.

It’s going to take me years to get Uhbevc back up and running like it used to.

 I'm willing to take the time.

Things are different now that I’m older, wiser.

I see things in a different ways, and I guess the saying “Time heals all wounds” is true to its meaning, because it’s healed me in ways I never thought.

Dealing with my parent’s death has become easier day by day.

I’ve moved on and it almost seems like I’m neglecting my past, but I’m just so busy with my future.

I should probably mention that I got married.

His name is Lane and we met while I was touring France just before I left to go to Russia.

I have two beautiful that are and children Max who is 3 and Anastasiya who is 4.

The girl was a tough one to carry and birth, the boy was a tad easier. The doctors said I'd have to have a mandatory C-section but I really didn't mind.

They all are the only light I've ever had in my life, and I will do everything in my power to make sure they do not get hurt. 

I've grown out of my cutting ways; it died off after Chase left. 

He came to visit a few years back. Still the same old same old.

You can only lead a horse to the water, but you can't make it drink.

Some will never learn.....

I haven't completely healed from all the scars Chase has left on me, but Lane is helping me walk through it a step at a time. 

My memory.... that's a different story.

"My name is Larissa, I am 24. I was adopted by Marissa and Rick, Julia is my little sister she is 13 now I think...... I cut. I am a cutter. I am healing. I will heal. I healed. Kara and Sammy are my two best friends. 

My ex is Chase. He betrayed me. I am coping. My biological parents were murdered in Russia, Geovani & Ratilia. I was four...or three… I'm not sure. It's okay to be unsure. My father was the owner of Uhbevc corp. I am now the owner. I am from Russia. I am 100% Russian. Chase cheated.. over and over... now were apart... again. I'm in Russia. I was adopted....1 time yeah I think that's right, by Marissa and Rick.  Chase is a liar. I never loved him. It was only a high school crush and that's it. I'm married with two beautiful children. I can't remember anything else..........

Jane predicts, by the time I hit forty I'll have full blown Alzheimer’s. 

But that's okay.

I make the most out of my life now, and I have a long time to go.

I'm happy for once in my life.

I will no longer have to add memories to my healed scarlet wrists.

~Larissa Ivanova



Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading and sticking along with the ride! I have quite a bit of editing to do to this book so it may be constantly changing. Nothing huge like plot changes but simply like making the chapters longer adding more detail. You get the point. Anyway, that might not happen for sometime since im focusing on my book Saving Greyson, which I really enjoy writting because it's my first romance novel and It's very much like what I was going through, so I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to fan/follow if you like my stories. Thanks for reading if you liked this chapter please check out Going Rouge on my page! Feedback is highly encouraged!



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