The Girl with Scarlet Wrists Chapter 8

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A/N: there will be a lot of Russian in this chapter, but don't worry I'll put all the translations in there. ;) Oh and make sure to listen to the song too, it really enhances the emotion in the chapter.

Chapter 8:

So groggy. I went to bring my hands up to wipe my eyes but they were restrained by something cold and stiff. I opened my eyes and gasped.

Everything was white and grey, spick and span. Couches, vases, TV's, monitors, everything grey and white.

"Hello Larissa." A curly strawberry blonde haired woman stepped into my view wearing a tight fitting blue dress, and some seriously high pumps.

I couldn't even talk, I was so lounge tied. My memory flooded back to me.

The screaming, the guards, and Chase. Chase. I never want to see that bastard ever again.

"говорить черт возьми!" (Speak dammit!) She tapped the foot of her pump.

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. She knew my native tongue. This will be interesting.

"Я буду говорить, когда я чувствую, как она." (I'll speak when I want to.) I spat at her.

She smiled. "Добро пожаловать Tide Ridge, I'm Jane." (Welcome to Tide Ridge) Her accent was impecable.

"любой" (Whatever)

"You'll be sure to make a full recovery here" she smiled.

"I don't need to recover, there's nothing wrong with me." I spat through my teeth.

"Well your parents and uh Chase is it? Beg-"

"нихера не называть его фамилию" (Don't F*cking say his name!) I screeched at her, jerking roughly forward in my restraints. I wanted to die right there. I really had nothing to live for.

"They always do this to me." I rasped hanging my head low.

"Now now dear, Lets get you cleaned up and I'll show you around." She touched a little Bluetooth on her ear. "Uncuff her"

The restraints let go and I fell onto my hands. Rubbing my tender wrists, I let Jane lead me out of the white room.

Passing by a mirror, I saw that I looked like complete hell. My hair was dismayed and knotted, my mascara and eyeliner ran down my cheeks leaving black tear trails strewn to my neck. My eyes were red and puffy.

The green color of my eyes were dark and cloudy, not as vibrant as they usually were. I was even paler than usual.  

The Girl with Scarlet Wrists [Rewriting]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant