Halloween Spooks

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A/N: Hey guys, I RETURN!!! WHOO! What an exhausting week! Finally I return to the glory of fan fictions and random stuff!
Late Halloween chapter because why not?
So, enjoy the spookiness. Have fun.

117. Force Nico to dress up like a vampire. (Or better yet, a zombie.)

118. Make all of the boys in HOO wear superhero costumes for trick or treating.

119. Place Halloween decorations in the Avenger's tower. Make them think the place is haunted.

120. Host a death-day party with all of the ghosts in Hogwarts. Make sure it takes place in Harry Potter's room.

121. Make Nico revive some skeletons so that you can perform 'Thriller' by Michael Jackson.

122. Scare everyone in all of the fandoms with Creepypasta stories.

123. Dress up as a zombie, and make everyone in the camp do the same. Make everyone in Camp Half-Blood join you in waking up Nico in the middle of the night.

124. Make Magnus Chase dress up as Shaggy from 'Scooby-Doo' for trick-or-treating.

125. Egg all of the rooms in Avenger's Tower.

126. Transport all of the Disney characters to Halloween Town.

127. Smash a pumpkin on Voldemort's head.

128. Put peace serum in some cranberry juice/Apple juice/ any flavored drink which is colored red.. Serve it to all of the fandom characters.

129. Scream stuff about dark magic and witchcraft at the Hecate kids, then chase them all over Camp Half-Blood while wearing a dark coat and a scary mask. (Bonus points if you get the Stolls and Leo to help you, and if you can run faster than Hecate when she tries to catch you)

130. Blindfold Harry Potter and put him in a room full of toy snakes, ghost decorations, and fake blood. Take off the blindfold and RUN!!!

131. Draw a scary mask on Voldemort's face.

132. Egg the TARDIS.

133. Egg 221B Baker Street.

134. Better yet, EGG ALL THE LOCATIONS IN THE FANDOMS!!! (Bonus points if you also throw tissue paper, and if you can run from all of the angry fandom characters)

135. Replace the masks of the Death Eaters with Halloween ones.

136. Place all of the fandom characters in a corn maze. Include the creepypastas.

137. Hack the computers at SHIELD to show any well-known horror movie.

138. Draw a derpy scary face on Voldemort while he's sleeping. Wait for the reactions in the morning.

139. Put Slenderman mannequins all over Camp Half-Blood/Hogwarts.

140: Dress up as Slenderman and scare/annoy everyone by appearing when least expected. (Bonus points if it's while a fandom character is bathing)

141: Make Voldemort dress up as Peter Pan. (Because, y'know, he can fly without a broom)

142: (For you all SPN fans. Forgive me if I am inaccurate) Cover the Chevrolet Impala in tissue paper, eggs, and several other cheap Halloween decorations. Hide when Dean and Sam arrive.

143: Make all of the Seven go apple-bobbing.

144: Put peace serum in some candy apples. Serve to all of the fandom characters. (Bonus points if you serve it with the cranberry juice)

145: Set loose all of the villains and WRECK HAVOC!!! *cue evil Dracula laugh*

146: Scream that there are ducks everywhere. (Bonus points if you do this when the Herondales are nearby)

147: Ask any fandom character with good hair/a long beard (Sherlock, Dumbledore, etc.) if you can borrow their hair/beard for your costume.

148: Put toy snakes and Halloween decorations all over the Burrow.

149: Make the youtubers read creepypastas. At midnight. In a dark room. Alone.

150. Host a multifandom party. Invite the creepypastas.

A/N - NEW CHAPTER DOWN!!! WHOOOHOOOO!!! *gives out cookies*
School days are getting more exhausting each week.

P.s. can someone suggest prank ideas for Fandom Pranks to play pt. 1? I really, really, REALLY need ideas right now.

Random Fact: I sometimes feel too weird.

QOTC: Do some movies make you cry?
AOTD: Yes. They do.

So, see y'all next chapter.

I'm out, Peace.

Xxx The_Demigod_Fangirl xxX

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