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I'm back guys! So go ahead, read! Be prepared for laughs and stuff.

41. When Bruce and Tony have left the lab, switch containers, put the wrong labels on the wrong bottles, and mess up the chemical formulas. Watch the magic that happens when they return and continue their science.

42. Introduce Thor and Loki to deviantart.com

43. Call Percy's sword, 'The Blade of Seaweed-Brainness'

44. Make the Avengers wear pink, sparkly versions of their attires.

45. Charm Piper's clothes while she is sleeping to turn pink. Watch the magic when she wakes up.

46. Ship Jason with a brick.

47. Draw funny faces on all of the Avengers' equipment.

48. Use Riptide as a baseball bat.

49. Say that the invisibility cloak is better than Annabeth's Yankees baseball cap because it is more elegant. Make sure Annabeth is around.

50. Put peace serum in Thor's food.

51. Two words: HISHE videos.

52. Two words: Peace Serum. (I know this may have been repeated many times, but I just felt too lazy

53. Try to prank Connor and Travis Stoll.

54. Use Dumbledore's beard to wipe your tears.

55. Scream whenever someone is sorted into Hufflepuff; this will annoy everyone, trust me.

A/N - More funnies coming right up! Stay tuned! :0)
Random Fact: I just saw the part in T:TDW which goes like this;

Jane: Darcy?
Darcy: Jane! (drops Ian) *I went LOL on this part*
Erik: Ian?
Ian: Selvig!
Darcy: Myuh-Myuh! *I laughed so hard at the way she mispronounced Mjolnir's name.*

Believe, me, this part was so hilarious, I laughed so hard and nearly woke up my mom.
It's just plain hilarious watching Jane and Erik defend themselves with one of their teleportation devices, only to bring back Darcy and Ian... I cannot find other words to describe that scene, it's just freaking hilarious.

I'll bring a new chapter next time!
So, (especially for you silent readers) remember to read, vote, comment, anything to make this book known on wattpad.

I'm out, Peace!

xxx FandomRulerForLife xxx

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