20 facts about me

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So today's my birthday! *cue confetti, party horn sounds, and balloons*

Never mind that.

I read @BornAwesomeDERP's 20 Facts About Me page, and it said at the end whoever read it got nominated. So here are my 20 facts about me.

1. My first fandom was Kung Fu Panda. I encountered it when I was only a child and I instantly fell in love with its soothing music, beautiful animation, and neat humor. I even began making art for a human version of it that I made up.

2. I love food with cheese in it.

3. I have this habit of counting down the seconds until a sudden event in a movie happens. Like the seconds before Natasha reveals herself from her disguise in CATWS or the moments before Loki gets stabbed in TTDW.

4. My favorite color is pink.

5. I loooooooovvvveeee pizza.

6. I love music.

7. I have a fear of cockroaches, heights, ghosts, creepy-crawlies like centipedes and worms, and jellyfishes and other dangerous things in the sea.

8. Looks like I'm not getting my Hogwarts letter, so I'm waiting to be claimed. (Percy Jackson fans will get this)

9. Sometimes I have a really short temper, like what will be demonstrated in the next number. (You may skip the next number.)

10. I hate the Rango film. (Y'know, the one about a chameleon who gets stuck in the desert?) Like, DOES THE WILD WEST HAVE ANY EFFING RESPECT FOR FEMALES??!! >:-( That rattlesnake's so mean. No offense meant.

11. My OTPS are Jelsa, Johnlock, Merricup, Hiccstrid, Elsoki, Percabeth, Jiper, Solangelo, Thorki, Clintasha, Stucky, BagginShield, Barduil, PurplePhone, PewdieCry, and a bunch of random shiz I can't mention. But don't hate on them, though. I. Will. Not. Accept. Hate. If you comment hate, I will delete your comment, and block you forever.

12. My favorite genres of book are fantasy, fanfiction, mystery, and science fiction.

13. Don't judge meh, I'm MULTIFANDOM!!!

14. My new fandom is Five Nights At Freddy's. The theories are really interesting, and I ship Phone Guy x Purple Guy so hard... But don't worry, I still love Marvel, Percy Jackson, and all of the awesome movie and book fandoms out there!

15. I have a strange obsession for my hair.

16. I like cardigans and sweaters.

17. I have a strange addiction to feels. Is that bad?

18. I became part of the Marvel fandom when I saw Thor: The Dark World, and got my first case of feels over Loki's death.

19. My fandoms are Disney and Dreamworks, Percy Jackson, Marvel, Five Nights at Freddy's, Sherlock (a bit), and a bunch of random shiz too much for me to remember and count.

20. I'm starting to become part of the Divergent fandom.

So how many do you have to tag? 5? 10? I'll just tag 10.











So there it is. 20 facts about me.

And guys, I really need your opinion.

Continue the book or split it into two parts?

If you don't know, pls read the Christmas Special chapter.

Comment Cake if you want me to continue, comment Candle if you want me to split it into two parts.

I'm out, Peace!

xxx InterStellar678 xxx

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