Love Laughs

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Hiiiiii!!! It's your author, back from the land of offline.
So, in advance for Valentine's Day, I thought I would have a little fun and post something about OTPs.
(Warning: may contain 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' stuff and some boyxboy OTPs. )
So, happy reading! *smirks*
Oh, and about the video... Here, have something a little Valentine-and-fangirl-related because why the frick not?

211. Introduce your OTP to the fanfics and fanarts about them. Especially the lemon ones.

212. Whenever Percabeth kisses, jump up from your hiding place and throw them into the nearest body of water. (Or, if the nearest body of water is several miles away, dump a bucket/glass of water onto them.)

213. Make catcalls whenever you see the two people from your OTP together.

214. Whenever you pass by Calypso and Leo, scream the chorus from 'My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light 'Em Up)'.

215. Lock your OTP in a room full of rabid fangirls and fanboys.

216. Or better yet, do no. 214 whenever you pass by Nico and Will.

217. Make your OTP do the Harlem Shake. While they are under Peace Serum.

218. Email Sherlock a link to a tumblr page which has Johnlock fanart and text posts.

219. Sneak some love potion into some Butterbeer. Give to your HP OTP of choice.

220. (For Drapple shippers) Fill Draco Malfoy's room with apples.

221.Give your OTP some Peace Serum, then lock them in a room with a hidden security camera. Later on, show the video to their friends.

222. Do the same thing from 218 to Tony Stark, only that it leads to a page full of Stony fanart.

223. Sneak Amortentia potion into your OTP's food/drinks. Then lock them in a bedroom and do the same as 221.

224. Whenever you see Kylo Ren and General Hux together, do no. 213 at them.

225. Introduce the parents of the two people in your OTP to the fanarts and fanfics about your OTP.

226. Sneak love potion into Thor's poptarts, then lock him in a room with Loki.

227.Whenever you're with your OTP, randomly burst out singing a song that best describes them.

228. (For Stormpilot shippers [Star Wars: The Force Awakens]) Whenever you see Finn and Poe staring at each other, use the Force to make them end up kissing each other.

229. Whenever you pass by your OTP, casually muse about how many fans they have which make fanfics and fanart about them. Be sure to mention the angsty and smutty fics and art.

230. Finally: Always use the old '(person 1)-and-(person 2)-sitting-in-a-tree-k-I-s-s-I-n-g' rhyme to annoy your OTP.

A/N - So, there. After a long time of being gone, I have resurfaced.
Oh, and due to the huge amount of SW: TFA pics on Instagram, I officially have become Kylux trash. Sue me.
QOTC: How many boyxboy OTPs do you have?
AOTC: Hmmm, I'd say 5-7, I guess.

So, see you all soon.

Yours truly,

Xxx Place_of_fangirls xxX

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