Just....don't.....(uncontrollable laughter)

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Okay guys, so I'm baaaaacccckkkk!!! *cue fireworks*
Hey, look at the HISHE clip I put there.
Just wanted you to know the next chapters might include HISHE clips. You should watch their videos, they are outrageously funny.
So heeerrreee weee goooo.....

71. Make John Watson wear the Ring of Power. (Thanks, xinfatuationx for this. Thanks for commenting too; comments encourage me. 😃😃😃)

72. Whenever you see John Watson, scream "AAAHHH!!! BILBO'S HERE!"

73. Program the TARDIS to make the Doctor end up at a One Direction concert.

74. Say to Peter Quill that when he flies with his mask, he looks like IronMan, only dorkier. (wonder if 'dorkier' is a word)

75. Tell Gamora that she should be better as a villain, coz she looks like the Wicked Witch of The West.

76. Tell Rocket that he should be the replacment for RJ in the 'Over the Hedge' movie.

77. Say that Ronan is a weird name for a inter-space villain.

78. When you see Yondu, ask if he died in a zombie apocalypse, got resurrected, and painted himself blue and escaped to outer space. (Believe me, I searched the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy, and I found out that the actor behind Merle *in The Walking Dead fandom* is also the actor playing Yondu. No wonder they look so alike.)

79. Tell Yo Mamma jokes in Camp Half-Blood.

80. When caught doing something bad/awkward/weird, yell, "CHEEZ IT! IT'S THE FUZZ!!!"

A/N- More soon to come. Stay tuned for more epic jokes and pranks,
Random fact: Just saw Guardians Of The Galaxy; I got hooked to it.
Peter Quill is the weirdest, yet funniest superhero I have ever seen.
Gamora has nice fighting skills.
Rocket is so cute and funny.
Groot's death made me almost cry.
And Peter distracting Ronan made me ROFL so hard, I almost rocketed into outer space.

Watch the HISHE for more laughs.

Just be careful that some parts may have a bit of minor mature content.

Anyway, how's your Christmas break going? Having fun or being bored? Books, TV, Movies or Ipad?

So, (especially for you silent readers) remember to read, vote, or comment.


I'm out, Peace!

xxx FandomRulerForLife07 xxx

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