Even more Funny Stuff

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Here ya go again! Have fun laughing or snickering crazily to yourself!

31. Tell Percy from Harry Potter that Percy from PJO is better because he's handsome, he has cool water powers, he is the son of a god, and because he doesn't need a wand just to do his water magic.

32. Bejewel the Avengers' superhero costumes. Hide when they come in.

33. Make The Doctor a Facebook page. Name his profile Sweetie, King of Daleks.

34. Tell Darth Vader that he is Luke's father. (And I mean the Luke Castellan, mind you)

35. Make Percy Jackson and his friends listen to Justin Bieber.

36. Hide Loki's shampoo. Then make his hair all frizzy and stuff.

37. Introduce the Avengers to Tumblr.

38. Paint a scary face on the TARDIS.

39. One word: Nutella.

40. Put Peace Serum on the Avengers' foods.

A/N - Get ready for more coming up!
Stay laughing and weird, guys!
Random Fact: I am Divergent. I can't be controlled.

Please suggest some funny pranks and ideas for me to use. I'm running out of them.

So, (especially for you silent readers) remember to read, vote, comment, anything to make this book known on wattpad.

I'm out, Peace!
xxx FandomRulerForLife xxx

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