Why I think people are suspicious of the number 13 (a tag)

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Okay, so, since -_Venatrix_- just had to tag me in another challenge ... (Is it just me or are many people tagging me? I have several other tags that I still have to finish then this one just comes up.) so, here we go.

- You must post all the rules

- You must tag 13 people to do the challenge

- The 13 people will have to list 13 facts about themselves

- No skipping of tags

- You have to make up 13 questions for the tagged people to answer.

- Tag Backs are allowed. (Me: *facedesks* why do I have the feeling I'm going to drown in tags?)

- But if you don't do the tag within a week, I will tell you to do something and you must do it! (*cue thunder rumbling in the distance while I am doing a horrible villain laugh*)

- This is a book, not a comment.

- Be creative with the title.

The Questions

1. Favorite Disney Movie?
How am I supposed to know? I have a lot of favorite disney movies!
*sigh* Fine. Let's just say my current favorite is Big Hero 6 because it is hella awesome sauce.

2. Are you secretly a llamacorn?
Um, well, yeah I am.... Jk, jk, lol. I really am not. But now I am interested in what llamacorns really are.

3. Dogs or Cats?
I'd rather go with cats, as they're very cute. Plus... *sigh* I heard about a person getting bit by a dog. It was unpleasant, and so far I have a slight phobia of dogs.

4. Have any pets?
Sadly, none. But I'd wish to have a pet duck some day.

5. Are you mad at me for tagging you?
Well, let's just say I'm somewhere between "I'm honored to be mentioned by you" and "If someone tags me one more time, I swear to the gods..."

6. What's your HP House?
I took the test, and it said I am a Ravenclaw. But I'm kinda more like a Hufflepuff. Oh, well, I'd be a darn RavenPuff.

7. How did you come up with your username?
Well, I noticed how many people were following me, and considering I am very much a fangirl, and we are all fangirls, I decided my profile was a place for fangirls. So there. The story behind my username.

8. Do you like sushi?
Sadly, I have not yet tasted sushi. But it does sound a bit delicious, I must say.

9. If I smashed a pie in your face, what would you do?
I would stay calm for a few seconds, then scream loudly and tackle you to the ground.

10. If you could make a book come to life, what would it be?
Arrrrgh, how am I supposed to choose here? I have two book Fandoms and it's soooo hard...
Welp, I'll just stick with PJO/HOO because Camp Half-Blood sounds a bit cool, to be honest.

11. Have you ever been out of the country?
Well, I have been to Singapore. It was quite fun.

12. Opinion on Twilight?
Eh, it may not be good, but I do respect the fans a bit. It isn't right to insult people, to be honest.

13. Are you glad it's over?
Well, a bit.

Okay, fact time!

1. Even as a kindergartner, I often made up little Fanfics in my head about a young girl adventuring into the worlds of her favorite movies.

2. I was born to stand out and be extraordinary, to be honest.

3. I was born to be a reader, writer, and artist,

4. I use, "to be honest" too much, to be honest with you all.

5. I like music. Correction: I LOVE music.

6. My birthday is coming soon.

7. I have a fear of cockroaches and the many creepy crawlies in the world.

8. I like pizza. No, I LOVE pizza.

9. I have a lot of OCs whose stories may never be known.

10. I have an armada of OTPs.

11. I am currently obsessed with The 39 Clues series now.

12. Thorki is one of my most painful ships. It has the most feels among them, to be honest.

13. I am now done listing my facts.

Now, here are the questions I want YOU to answer!

1. What was the first movie you saw?

2. Chocolate or vanilla?

3. What is your favorite flavor of pizza and ice cream?

4. Do you draw?

5. What is your favorite color?

6. Do you ever dream of world peace?

7. Do you sometimes hate math?

8. What is the funniest thing you have ever seen?

9. If you could make a fictional character real, who would it be?

10. Do you read PJO/HOO? If you do, who do you think would be your godly parent?

11. Are you mad at me for tagging you?

12. Disney or Dreamworks?

13. Are you glad this is over?

And so, here are the following victims which I have tagged:

-NaomiTheHunter- , -_Sadie_kane_- , _Bianca_Di_Angelo , _UniqueFilipina_ , always_bookish , Queen_of_fandonia , 1980somethinspaceguy , INVISIBLENINJAH , camillethewitch , xxxxAutumnSpiritxxxx , KAPred95 , FandomAvenger , LlamaNeedNoDrama

Good luck with the challenge!
Yours truly,

Xxx Place_of_fangirls xxX

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