The Force of Funnyness

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A/N - SOOOOOOOOOO *sigh* its your author again back in business once more.
With December being the month of the new film in the Star Wars series, it's time I gave you all a little something to reveal the funny side of the force!
Oh and also the SW: TFA Hishe because why not?
Good luck laughing!

181. Wear a Darth Vader costume and keep following Luke Skywalker around.

182. Use BB-8 as a volley ball. ('Cuz you know, he kinda looks like a ball)

183. Sneak some pink hair coloring into Luke Skywalker's shampoo.

185. Call C-3PO "IronMan".

186. Sneak up behind Luke Skywalker, then yell in your best Darth-Vader voice impression, "LUKE! I AM YOUR FATHER!"

187. Sneakily cut off Leia's little hair-do's in her sleep. Better yet, make her hair turn frizzy. (Bonus points if you can run faster than her when she chases you with anger)

188. Give Princess Leia a hair-curler.

189. Repeatedly call Obi Wan Kenobi, "Adobe Juan Kenobi."

190. Dress up as Jabba the Hutt, sneak up behind Han Solo, and casually remind him about the debt he has to pay.

191. Use R2 - D2 as a drum.

192. Dare Jar Jar Binks to say, "how much wood could a woodchucker chuck if a woodchuck could chuck would"
(Note:you may use other tongue twisters if you like)

193. Use Darth Maul's lightsaber as a twirling baton.

194. Sign Yoda up for a speech therapist.

195. Paint funny faces on the masks of the Stormtroopers.

196. (196 - 199 will be Star Wars Rebels versions) Curl Ezra's hair while he sleeps. (Bonus points if you also color it any bright and garish color, and if you can outrun him when he finds out the truth.)

197. Replace Sabine's ammunition with confetti poppers.

198. Whenever Ezra's around, stare at him with a creepy grin on your face. (Feel free to add any more creepy actions of your own)

199. Do no. 196 to Sabine's hair.

200. Show everyone the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

A/N - Finally a new chapter is done.
Oh my gods I cannot simply even.
Remember when Star Wars: The Force Awakens was just a dream?
Okay, enough of my fangirl rushes.
QOTC: Have you seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens?
AOTC: Not. Yet.

So, see YA soon!

I'm out, Peace!

Xxx Place_of_fangirls xxX

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