Return of the ROFLs

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*busts down door* IM BACK BISHES.
Oh man, it has been a long time since I've updated this book. I'm really, really sorry.
Reason: I was working on several other books I plan to publish, and I got carried away.
That and the fact I'm a bit lazy, I must admit.
And also, expect some Undertale and MCSM stuff here, since I'm being sucked into the fandoms.
So anyways,
On with the chapter!

271. Introduce all the Undertale characters to their AUs.

272. Constantly say lots of puns whenever you're around Papyrus.

273. Whistle very loudly whenever you see Ivor and Harper together.

274. Introduce Frisk to Tumblr, Wattpad, or Instagram. (Bonus points if you get them to ship your favorite Undertale ship).

275. Leak some Kylux art onto the Finalizer.

276. Charm Snape's clothes to change color whenever he says a student's name.

277. Replace all of Percy's blue things with pink ones.

278. Hide a binder full of fanart and fanfics of any of your favorite Marvel ships in the Avengers' tower or the Helicarrier. (Bonus points if it's Steve or Thor who discovers it first)

279. Constantly talk about seafood whenever you're around Undyne.

280. Constantly replay the "Stronger than you" video around Sans, Chara, or Flowey.

281. Whistle loudly whenever you see Papyrus and Mettaton very near each other.

282. Lock any member of the MCSM cast in a room full of fangirls.

283. Dump a bucket of ice cubes on Sans while yelling, "GEEEEEEEEEET DUNKED ON!" *Bonus points if you use Oreos and milk instead of ice*

284. Introduce the MCSM cast to the fanfics about them.

285. Make Sans and Percy Jackson have a pun-making contest.

A/N - Boy, after all that time with the books in my drafts, am I glad to be back with you readers.

I'm really sorry for being away from this for a long time, so a little Halloween-themed chapter will be up later, I promise.

QOTC: How many books do you have in your drafts, and what are your new fandoms?

AOTC: I have about 30 (yeah, I know, a lot. I have many ideas in my head, sue me.) And my new fandoms are the following; Undertale and Minecraft Story Mode. Don't judge me.

Random fact: I have many story series I plan to write.


See y ' all soon!

I'm out, Peace!

Xxx Place_of_fangirls xxX

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