Merry Mischief

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So, in advance for the Christmas holiday, and in celebration of me finally being able to read and finish Magnus Chase and the Gods of ASGARD: The Sword of Summer, I hereby present to you a chapter full of mischief and merry.
Happy holiday reading!

151. Make all of Percy Jackson's things red.

152. Make Hearthstone and Blitzen end up under some mistletoe. Surrounded by a bunch of Blitzstone shippers.

153. Force Percy to wear only red and green colored clothes for a month.

154. Throw snowballs at Voldemort when he isn't looking. (Bonus points if you get the Weasley twins to join you)

155. (For you THG fans) Make a President Snowman.

156. Dare a fictional character of your choice to lick a metal pole.

157. Have a snowball fight with Dauntless people.

158. Repeatedly sing 'Do you Wanna Build A Snowman' around any fictional character of your choice until it gets annoying.

159. Sneak a stink bomb into a teddy bear. Give the teddy bear to Octavian as a Christmas present.

160. Put Peace Serum in eggnog. Serve to any fictional character of your choice.

161. On a snowy day outdoors, accidentally run into Voldemort. Apologize, saying he was 'So pale, he blended in with everything'

162. Invite all the fictional characters with snow and ice powers to an ULTIMATE SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!

163. Better yet, invite them and the fictional characters with fire and heat powers for ULTIMATE ICE VS FIRE FIGHT!!!

164. Make Magnus Chase dress up as Elsa and force him to repeatedly sing "Let It Go" until it annoys his friends.

165. Ask Blitzen if he can make a steel wool coat for the winter season.

166. Turn all of Hearthstone's clothes red and green to give him the "Santa elf" look. Include a silly Santa hat to complete the attire.

167. Make the Weasley twins, the Stoll brothers, and Loki team up and prank everyone in CHB, Hogwarts, and all of the Avengers.

168. Place whopee cushions on places where Sherlock and John often sit.

169. Run around Magnus yelling that the Red Sox have lost the game.

170. Constantly remind Blitzen that he shares a name with one of Santa Clause's reindeer.

171. Repeatedly call Jack Frost 'FrostPie'

172. When you see Dumbledore, scream "SANTA HAS ARRIVED!!!" And repeatedly ask him where your presents are.

173. Make Elsa and Jack Frost switch clothes for the whole month of December.

174. Make Frank Zhang morph into a reindeer, and paint his nose red.

175. Make your OTP end up under some mistletoe. With all their friends surrounding them chanting "KISS, KISS! KISS! KISS!"

176. Make Loki wear Elsa's ice dress. (And I mean Marvel's Loki)

177. Make Leo dress up as a Santa elf. Partner up with him and play pranks on everyone in CHB. (Bonus points if you get the Stolls to join you)


179. Repeatedly song any Christmas Carol in a horribly off-tune voice around any fictional character that gets cranky easily.

180. Give any fictional character you hate a stink bomb. In a wrapped present box. (Bonus points if you run when they open it)

A/N - YES! NEW CHAPTER COMPLETED!!!! *high fives self*

Gaaaaaah so many fandom stuff is happening to me!

Sorry for the wait, I HAVE FREAKING TESTS TO STUDY FOR UUUUUUUGH!!! *facedesks*

But anyways, I can't wait for the next MCGA book to be released.

So anyways.......

See ya'll soon!

I'm out, Peace!

Xxx Place_of_fangirls xxX

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