Chapter 23

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"It didn't feel like two weeks!" Liam complains, throwing himself on the bed as I continue packing my clothes in my suitcase, on the floor by the bed. I chuckle, "It only felt like a day!" he adds, groaning.

He was right. The past two weeks went by in a flash. Here I am, packing my suitcase for my flight tomorrow back to London. I stand up and walk over to him. I sit in front of Liam, crossing my legs as I face him.

I smile, "Your American tour ends in a few days. Then you can immediately come back to London and we'll be together again before you even know it." I tell him, caressing his cheek with the back of my hand.

He sighs, "I'm going to miss you, you know?" he whispers, leaning forward as our forheads meet.

"I'm going to miss you more." I reply.

"I'm going to make sure to call and send you a message whenever I'm free." he says, "And don't say that I don't have to, because I'm still going to." he adds before I could tell him that myself.

I laugh, "Well then, why don't you help me pack?" I ask, standing up and walking back to my suitcase to finish packing my things.

He gives out a loud sigh and I could hear him lay back down to the bed. "Never!" he shouts like a little kid, "I'm not letting you go."

"Whether you like it or not, I have to go. I'm opening my art gallery in two days and I need to be there." I reply, "Now go to the bathroom, help me get my toiletries and stop whining like a little kid." I say, feeling quite bossy.

He sighs again and finally gets off the bed. He walks over to the bathroom, and a few minutes later he comes out with his hands full of my toiletries. "Here you go." he says, handing me the toiletries.

I smile and take it from him, "Thanks babe." I place them properly in my suitcase as Liam sits down next to me on the floor.

"I can always skip the last few concerts." he says, holding my hand. "I want to be with you every single day, Lexi. I'm going to go crazy without you here."

I blush at his words, he was just too sweet sometimes. "I know, Liam. I want to be with you too. But I really have to go." I say.

"I know." he says, wrapping his arms around me, hugging me tightly. "I know." he says again. We sit there, just hugging each other. He breaks out of the hug and looks at me, "I guess since it's your last day here, we should do something." I nod, liking the idea. "Let's finish your packing."

He grabs the rest of my clothes on the pile and neatly puts it in my suitcase. He was the neatest lad I've ever met. I giggle as he finishes packing for me while I sit there, just watching him. A few minutes later, he zips it up and looks back at me.

"There." he says, standing up. "Let's go out." he smiles, helping me up.

"Where are we going?" I ask, as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room.

"We are going for some stroll in the beach." he replies, looking all excited.


He holds my hand as we walk by the seashore. The sun was setting and the water felt warm against my feet. I had taken my shoes off because I wanted to feel the water and the sand between my toes.

There were not a lot of people around so Liam was able to tone it down with the disguise, wearing only a pair of shades to cover his eyes.

"Mexico's such a nice place." I say, admiring the place I had grown to love even within just two weeks time.

He nods, "Yeah," he says agreeing. "I plan on buying a house here." he tells me.

I smile, "How do you see yourself in ten years? How do you imagine your life to be at that time?" I ask him.

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