Chapter 40

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~ 1 Month Later ~

“Lexi!” I hear the shouts of the two amazing girls who flew over the pond just to be here in the opening of my Art Gallery. I smile at the sight of Perrie and Eleanor, gasping for breath after running inside the venue. I immediately pull them in for a nice, bear hug.

“I missed you two so much!” I tell them, finally letting the two girls loose from my bear hug.

Even if I’m in New York and these two lovely ladies are way across the other side, we still keep in touch every single day. But of course, Skype and Twitter was not as great as being able to talk to each other in person.

“We missed you too.” Perrie replies with a smile on her face.

“So, how’s New York been treating you?” El asks as she tries to fix her hair which is now quite in a mess from all the running she and Perrie did.

I smile, “New York’s been treating me just fine.” I reply happily with all honesty.

“Well, obviously! Take a look around! You’re opening your very own Art Gallery here in New York.” Perrie says, taking a look around the place with a huge grin. “You’re like, the Next Big Thing!” she adds.

“This is just so amazing!” El gushes, admiring the painting surrounding us. “We are so, so proud of you.” she says whole-heartedly.

“N’aww, thank you girls. And I can’t thank you enough for coming here to attend the opening. You really didn’t have to.”  I tell them, completely touched by their efforts.

“But we wanted to.” Perrie says, giving me a wink.

“You know what I want?” El asks, her eyes glued on a certain object. “That!” she points at my painting of a beautiful sunrise. “I’m sure Louis would love that put up in our bedroom!” she says excitedly, clapping her hands.

“Then it’s reserved for you.” I tell her, smiling. “It has quite a big price, El.” I add.

She pouts, “What? No discount for you ever-so-beautiful-and-kind-best-friend, Eleanor Calder?” she asks.

I chuckle, “Fine then, I’ll give you a discount.” I reply.

She smiles widely, “Thank you so much! You’re the best!” she beams.

“And you’re ripping me off.” I tell her jokingly, making her and Perrie laugh. “So, how are the boys?” I ask, smiling.

“They’re all stressed out from all the recordings and press for their new album.” Perrie says, giving a worried sigh. “They don’t want to disappoint the fans, so they’re working twice as hard as before.” she adds.

“But, they’re all fine.” El assures me, forcing a smile.

“Well,” Perrie gives out another sigh. “Not all of them are fine, actually.” she says.

“What do you mean?” I ask, confused at what she had said.

“Liam’s been –“ but before El could continue speaking, Perrie interrupts her.

“Holy macaroni! Who on earth is that guy who just entered? Is he some celebrity?” Perrie asks, making our heads look over to the tall lad with blonde hair and toned muscles as she gushes about him. Zayn would not be pleased.

Once the lad lays his eyes on me, he smiles and starts to make his way over to the three of us. I smile back at him, glad that he could make it. I never thought he’d give up shopping for new surfboards with his mates just to attend an opening of my Art Gallery.

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