Chapter 36

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"Li, can you please hand me the TOMS that Louis gave me?" I request, pointing at my pair of TOMS at the other end of the room. Liam gets up from the bed and walks towards my TOMS. He picks it up and hands it over to me. "Thanks." I say, giving him a smile. 

He forces a smile in return. He goes back to my bed and sits whilst watching me pack with a frown on his face. "Liam," I say, giving out a sigh. I get up from the floor to sit next to him on the bed. 

"I know. I know." he says, sighing. "You have to go because you have a job there. We're going to get through this and we'll keep in touch every single day." 

"And -" I start to speak, but he cuts me off. 

"And that I should stop with the frowning because it's only making things harder," he continues for me. He smiles at me with a hint of sadness in it. 

"Good," I say, glad that he remembers what I keep telling him for the past few weeks. "Now, either you go downstairs and cook us some lunch without burning down the house in the process, or you come over here and help me pack," I tell him.

He smiles genuinely and gets up from the bed. He walks over towards me and my suitcases and sits down on the floor. He grabs a few shirts from the pile and places them neatly in my suitcase. I stare at him in amazement. "What?" he asks, looking at me once he realizes I've been staring at him.

"You don't seem like a lad when packing things," I say, smiling at him proudly. "Other lads would just throw their stuff in, not bothering to even fold them," I add.

"My mum raised me well," he says proudly, putting more of my clothes inside my suitcase.

"I couldn't have said it any better," I say, chuckling. I help him pack the last of my things.

After half an hour, we're lying on the bed, completely tired and sweaty from all the packing. The door suddenly bursts open, and in comes El and Perrie.

"Lexi!" Perrie shouts, jumping on the bed and lies between me and Liam. "We're going shopping!" she exclaims happily.

"Says who?" I ask, sitting up to look at her and El.

"Me," El says, smiling. "You're leaving for New York in two days and we have to go shopping before you do. It's like, our last shopping spree until we meet again," she explains.

"But - " I try to say, but El cuts me off.

"I won't be getting no for an answer, Lexi," she says.

I gulp and look at Liam. "Kill me," I mouth at him.

He smiles and chuckles. He looks at El. "I'm sure Lexi's going to have so much fun shopping with you girls." he looks at me as I glare at him. "Go have some fun with the girls, love," he says, giving me a wink.

"But I still have tons of boxes to send to New York. And I'm not completely done packing all my things around our house," I say, trying to find a way out.

"Don't worry, love. I'll pack up the rest for you and I'll send those boxes to New York in a while," Liam says reassuringly.

I groan as I get up from the bed. I don't want to be seen in public after my experience with the tomato and shopping is the last thing on my mind. But, for the sake of these girls, I have no choice but to go. I walk inside my bathroom to change into my favorite denim pants and pink cute top. I tie my hair into a bun since I feel too lazy to comb it properly.

"Let's go," I say as I step out of the bathroom.


"Perrie, can we please grab some coffee?" El pleads after we pass by Starbucks for the second time as we walk around the mall in circles.

Both of Perrie's hands are carrying about four shopping bags each. Man, this girl sure does know how to shop. El and I on the other hand, only have two shopping bags. Perrie looks at El, "Fine. But we'll stay for only a few minutes. I still have a few more things to buy," she says.

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