Chapter 2: Crime

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During that same day, in Canterlot High School...

While Discord and Fluttershy were being affectionate; and while they were being spied on by the main 5.

The CMC had also been observing the happy couple from a farther distance. They had made their own analysis on the situation.

"Ewwww!" Said Scootaloo, as she watched how Fluttershy and Discord kissed so passionately. "That is disgusting!"

"I think that it's romantic." Said Sweetie Belle, blushing with her hands covering her cheeks and having her eyes closed.

"Ah admit that it's nice to see a couple like that." Said Applebloom. "But it makes mah brother sad."

"Your brother?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Yes." Affirmed Applebloom, sighing in sorrow. "Ever since Fluttershy became Discord's girlfriend, Bic Mac has entered a deep depression full of bitterness."

"Wow!" Said Sweetie Belle, not believing it. "Seriously?"

Applebloom took Sweetie Belle and Applebloom to where Big Mac was.

The CMC went to the park in Canterlot, at the playground.

They hid amongst the bushes and observed the boy with the orange hair discreetly and without making noise.

Big Mac looked very depressed, he was just sitting on a swing, without moving and just staring at the ground, only the wind was moving his swing.

The CMC looked at Big Mac with pity.

"He's so sad." Said Sweetie Belle

"Ah know." Said Applebloom very sadly. "It hurts to see mah brother like this."

"I have the solution!" Said Sweetie Belle optimistically.

"Which is?" Asked Applebloom without enthusiasm.

"Let's look for a girlfriend for Big Mac." Said Scootaloo.

"Seriously?" Said Applebloom raising an eyebrow. "A girlfriend."

"It could work." Said Sweetie Belle.

"But...." Said Applebloom. "Who would be the indicated option?"

The three girls stayed silent in thought for a while.

"It could be our history professor." Said Scootaloo. "Ms. Cheerilee."

"Ah don't think that would work." Said Applebloom. "Do you remember what happened a year ago?"

"I don't think they remember." Said Sweetie Belle, confused. "Or do they?"

"But it's the better option." Said Scootaloo. "It just might work."

"Ah don't think so." Said Applebloom.

In that moment, Babs Seed walked up to them, in their hiding spot in the bushes, because reasons.

"You would need a love potion." Said Babs, startling the CMC. "To make Bic Mac and Ms. Cheerliee fall in love."

"Babs!" The three girls yelled at the same time and without startling Big Mac somehow.

"Hello girls." Greeted Babs.

"Cousin!" Said Applebloom. "What are you doing here?"

"I was walking through the park as usual." Said Babs. "When I heard you talking in the bushes."

"How ironic is life!" Said Applebloom, smiling.

The CMC climbed out of the bushed without Big Mac noticing.

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