Chapter 20: I Appreciate It

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Seconds before...

The battle of the bands was about to begin, each band prepared the last few details, Fluttershy looked all around her, to the rival group, the crowd and behind the scenes, there was not a shred of Discord. The shy girl began to get frightened.

Suddenly, she noticed that Sonata was looking at her in a menacing way, gritting her teeth, she noticed that Sonata's eyes looked a bit irritated and her mascara had run down her cheeks, signaling that she had been crying, she also noticed that the rest of the elements of caos were smiling maliciously like classic villains that always got away with it.

Fluttershy shuddered, fearing that they had done something to Discord, she knew that they were a dangerous bunch.

"Are you going to start to play?" Yelled Adagio. "Or are you going to keep chattering?"

The rainbooms got annoyed and they got ready.

"Hit it!" Yelled Rainbow Dash.

"Girls!" Yelled Fluttershy in a trembling tone. "We should leave this place."

They all assisted with their heads.

"Five, four, three, two." Said Pinkie Pie as she hit the drums.

The rainbooms began to play.

In the meantime, Discord was still inside of the locker, he heard music, he knew that the battle of the bands had started, he had to get out of there.

Discord hit the door of the locker with as much force as he could muster. He tried to yell but he was still very weak and tired.

"Hello!" Yelled Discord weakly, barely audible. "Get me out of here!"

A few seconds later; in the same hallway of the school, three students were walking by, it was Big Mac who was accompanied by Marble Pie and Limestone Pie, sisters to Pinkie Pie; they were taking a small stroll around the school.

Somehow, there was some chemistry between Big Mac and Marble Pie.

As they walked and talked amongst themselves, Limestone heard the sound of Discord hitting the inside of the locker.

The small group stopped, Limestone signaled to where she was hearing the hits, Big Mac and Marble also managed to hear the sounds, they all decided to open the locker to know what was causing those sounds.

As Big Mac opened the locker, Marble Pie got scared and she hid behind her sister.

When he completely opened the locker, Discord came out and ended face down on the ground while slowly moving.

"Eh?" Said Pinkie's sisters in surprise. "Professor Discord?"

"Help me!" Said Discord, weakly.

Big Mac looked at Discord in annoyance, without moving from his spot.

Upon knowing that it was Big Mac, Discord tried to drag himself across the ground, he tried to get as far away as possible while dragging himself like a turtle.

"Where do you think yer going?" Asked Big Mac, putting his right foot on Discord's back, squishing him.

Discord felt the pain from being squished by Big Mac.

"Big Mac!" Said Marble with a bit of fear in her voice. "What are you doing?"

"Do not worry." Said Big Mac. "Everything is under control."

"Damn you!" Said Discord. "Listen to me!"

"Nope!" Said Big Mac, taking his foot off of Discord and lifting up the chaotic boy by the neck and whipping him against the wall, Discord ended up sitting on the ground with his back to the wall.

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