Chapter 17: Your games Our Rules Part 1

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At the entrance of Canterlot High, all of the students were enjoying the spectacle. To see their ex-professor and ex-vice-principal together with their enemies from the past, arguing with the mane 6, principal Celestia, Cadence, and Shining Armor, there was no doubt that they were all paying attention to the situation and they found it amusing but failed to notice that it would soon get worse.

In the meantime, Ahuizotl observed the mane 6 with great detail. He was in shock; he could not believe that it was them. Ahuizotl gritted his teeth with rage; remembering that disastrous day.

(Flashback told by Ahuizotl)

I was a general in the jaguar wars, even though my father was the great Tlatoani from the grand empire of tenochtitlan. Up until now the only pueblo that had followed his worldview and had not adapted, had either submitted or had been corrupted by the modern world that surrounded all of Equestria.

On that fateful day, we were going to have an important celebration for my pueblo, along with that there was going to be a human sacrifice, the victim was nothing more and nothing less than Daring Do, the female mercenary that for years had ransacked priceless historical treasures from my temples, and she always talked bad about my culture and dirtied it in her books.

Two days before the celebration, I personally had caught and arrested Daring Do; for all of her crimes so her punishment was to be sacrificed to the gods.

A few hours before the celebration, I was in custody of Daring Do's prison cell. As I walked up to her cell I gazed upon her beauty, I have never told anyone but for a long time I have been in love with her, I loved her so much that I intentionally let her escape, and she always got away with it....but she kept ransacking and attacking my pueblo, because of that I had no other choice.

Daring Do begged me to let her go, I didn't want her to be sacrificed, so I discreetly opened her cell and let her escape through the catacombs and prayed that she not come back, she swore she wouldn't...I was such an idiot!

Inside of the main temple, the celebration had started. The ritual of huitzilopochtlii, god of the sun and for that we needed the great and supreme amulet of gold, that was in the shape of a ring, located on the inside of the pyramid on top of a small column of gold; the ceremony was going to perfection so far, the whole pueblo was happy.

Just before the start of the disaster, Daring Do managed to slink away to the center of the temple to steal the golden amulet. The pueblo was annoyed with this and my warriors decided to trap Daring Do but to our surprise she was not alone. Daring Do threw the amulet to a group of six intruders, from the looks of it these girls were dressed in explorer attire just like Daring Do. What was weird about them was that they had strange pointed ears, long hair extensions, some of them appeared to have wings and aside from that each one of them emitted a strange light.

We considered those girls to be demons; saving the amulet was our top priority, so we attacked the girls but some of them managed to evade us by flying, others disappeared right in front of our eyes and reappeared in a different spot, aside from that they had a strange energy that could hurt us with physical contact.

We kept on trying to trap them, but they managed to escape along with the precious amulet. The worst part of it all on one of the windows of the pyramid, Daring Do said farewell and was happy that she had managed to escape, the pueblo, my warriors and my father looked at me angrily and with great disgust.

But the cherry on the cake was that Daring Do had hidden detonator bombs in one of the columns of the great pyramid, the instant she left she activated the bombs and they exploded the body of the pyramid resulting in it exploding into a thousand pieces, fortunately no one from my pueblo was gravely injured.

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