Friendship Is Magic

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This has nothing to do with the fanfic but with my relationship with the author, my beloved boyfriend Conikiblasu. This was like back in 2014, I was scrolling along through looking for any mlp fanfictions and I found some in Spanish. There was one in particular that caught my attention. I read the first few chapters and I actually liked it. When that author asked for a volunteer who would translate the fanfic from Spanish to English, I was the first one to volunteer. Working with him...was hard at first because he didn't like my writing style because it was a literal translation from Spanish to English so I had to change a few words in order for it to make sense to English readers. We fought about several things regarding the fanfic but overall we made up and chose to not make a big deal out of it. With my help, I was able to get him more fans who could now read the fanfic in Spanish and in English. Fast forward a few months and on Valentine's day, he asked me to be his special somepony. By then we had known each other for about a year and I said yes. It was going great until, well, we began fighting over things other than the fanfic. But during one of the fights he admitted to me that despite him having a small fanbase, I was the one who believed in him when no one else did, I was the one who helped his fanbase grow by translating that fanfic, I was the one who was there for him right from the beginning, I gave him something that is hard to maintain, the gift of a friend. Although we are uncertain where our relationship stands, we will always be friends, even though I really can't tell when he's joking sometimes, we can put our differences aside and work together to maintain the unity and harmony of our friendship. I still care about him deeply, but just deep enough to care. He's the best boyfriend I could ask for and we've almost been together for a year. So thank you, Conikiblasu, my friend, for giving me a chance. <3

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