Chapter 6: Villains

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Discord awoke and got up from the floor, he did not sleep well and he was not used to sleeping on the cold, hard floor. He immediately noticed that everyone else was still asleep, including the Dazzlings and Ahuizotl.

He walked stealthily to the door trying not to wake anyone up.

When he got to the exit he grabbed the door handle and he opened it carefully and he exited without making a sound. Before he shut the door, he looked behind him and took one last look at his friend Ahuizotl, who was

still asleep, he also glanced at his new friend Sonata who slept peacefully next to Adagio and Aria; the three girls slept together.

Discord felt bad for the girl, but he knew that he had to leave so he could start his new life, completely alone.

Without wasting more time, Discord closed the door and he walked away but, because of the small noise from the door, Sonata woke up and noticed that Discord had left. Sonata felt very sad, although she had only

known him for a short amount of time, inside she cared about him a lot. She covered herself with her sheet to try and hide her sadness.

A few hours passed by, Discord walked down the streets of Manehattan looking for work, he needed the money, food and a place to live.

He picked up wanted ads for employees that were posted on the street poles, among them there were public announcements.

Discord walked among various businesses, restaurants and stores, looking for a job but he just wasn't having any luck. When he tried to ask for employment, he was discriminated for his physical aspect that caused many

people horror, and they did not give him the opportunity to be employed.

Discord was starting to become desperate, he was starting to notice that he was just unlucky.

After a few hours of looking for work with no luck and with his hope in tatters, he began to walk, feeling bad about his physical aspect, that gave a lot of people fear, but what he regretted the most was abandoning

Canterlot High.

As Discord walked; a few meters away, in Flim and Flam's employment agency stood a woman with a strange aspect, she had long green hair, purple skin and an outfit that was violet colored, she entered the employment


Without wasting time, the girl with the green hair attacked Flim and Flam with great force, she gagged them and tied them up, then she broke into the safe box and she filled her sack with money, she ran out of the

employment agency.

Flam managed to untie himself enough to sound the alarm and he helped Flim get free.

They quickly ran out into the street screaming.

"Stop her!" They yelled at the same time. "Stop that thief!"

The girl ran intensely with the loot in her hands.

When she started to hear police sirens, the girl knew she had to escape, she desperately ran through the crowd of people that were walking in the street.

Suddenly, and possibly by destiny, Discord ended up slipping and falling into a mud puddle; then a car drove by Discord and the tires passed over the mud puddle, completely soaking the chaotic boy.

Discord cursed his bad luck, as he wiped the mud off his face and tried to get up.

In that moment the strange girl ran to where Discord was, without noticing him, the girl with the green hair tripped over Discord. Her face ended up on the ground, dirtied by the mud. She dropped her loot from the

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