Chapter 10: Renegades

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After Discord and Sonata had fallen into the florist stand, Luna looked at the situation and wanted to look for her old friend knowing that he was alright.

She looked through the rubble around the building and could not find any sign of Discord or Sonata.

The police entered the scene, they made Luna and the rest of the curious people stand aside so that they could look for the criminals. The owner of the floral stand cried in anguish for his establishment.

Luna watched the police from a distance, rope off the area and take samples. Luna impatiently looked up to the sky, by accident or fate, she noticed that Discord was on the roof of the building in front of her, accompanied by Sonata and a woman with green hair.

Luna was surprised, she never thought she would find Discord in Manehattan; to find out more, she decided to conceal herself and not lose the chaotic boy from her sight.

After a few minutes, she watched as Discord and his companions climbed off of the building and blend in with the passersby.

Luna began to follow them stealthily like a professional spy.

After a while of persecution, Discord and his friends entered a building that was in terrible condition. She watched them from a distance, hiding behind some bushes.

The vice principal supposed that they lived there, she felt a bit of concern and pity for Discord's new lifestyle.

Then Luna remembered that it was getting late, she had to go to school. She walked away, remembering the way to the building.

As she walked to school, Luna took out her cellphone and called Celestia.

Celestia answered the call, she was in her office at Canterlot High.

"Hello Luna." Said Celestia happily. "How have you been?"

"Hello sister." Said Luna. "I'm fine! I'm on my way to school."

"I'm so happy." Said Celestia. "What can I help you with?"

"Sister!" Said Luna. "I just saw Discord."

"What?!" Said Celestia, flabbergasted.

"It's true! He's here, in Manehattan." Said Luna. "And I saw him with one of the Dazzlings."

"What?!" Said Celestia, flabbergasted and confused. "Are you serious?"

"Yes sister." Said Luna. "I think I know where he lives."

"Luna," Said Celestia. "Maybe it'd be better if you left it at that and not interfere."

"But..." Said Luna. "Discord could be living with bad people, I saw police chasing after him and.."

"Luna." Interrupted Celestia. "Please! Don't talk to have to go to school, we can talk about this later when we're more calm...ok sister."

"Ok sister." Said Luna.

Then they both said their goodbyes, and Luna hung up. As she crossed the street, without noticing it, the traffic light had turned green.

A car was going really fast towards Luna, he tried to stop and he honked his horn, Luna reacted and quickly got out of the way in time, jumping onto the sidewalk.

After she had jumped she noticed that her cell phone had fallen to the ground and from the impact it fell down a sewer, where it was lost in the darkness.

"No!" Said Luna peeking into the sewer. "My phone!"

Luna put her hand into the sewer but it was futile, she had not only lost her cell phone but all of her numbers and contacts.

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