Chapter 7: Elements of Chaos

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Ahuizotl was preparing to leave, he also had to go in order to complete his mission.

Before he withdrew, Adagio wanted to interrogate him. The boy with blue skin was surprised with the quantity of weird questions that Adagio was asking him.

Why did Discord leave?

Where did he go?

How long have you known him?

Has he ever transformed before?

Where does he come from?

Ahuizotl, simply responded with: "No and I don't know mi reina."

With no problem, Ahuizotl walked away from the abandoned building in search of his mortal enemy.

He spent a lot of hours asking the people passing by for directions, indications and information, whatever clue would be useful in order to find Daring Do.

Ahuizotl found out that there was going to be a book convention soon, with AK Yearling as a guest author.

Ahuizotl walked to the place where he realized the convention was going to be held, he began to strenuously interview the staff that were preparing the event.

After some time, Ahuizotl managed to obtain the information that he needed, he managed to find out the location where Daring Do was staying.

It began to get dark.

Ahuizotl went to the direction where he was told he would find Daring Do, it was a five star hotel with twenty floors. He knew that the staff would not let him in so without wasting time he decided to scale the building

from the outside.

As he climbed, Ahuizotl looked through the windows of each room in order to determine which room Daring Do was in.

After a few hours, on the tenth floor he managed to find Daring Do's room, somehow.

Ahuizotl took a peek:

Daring Do was taking off her disguise, her hat and her glasses, then she placed a big gold ring on a shelf.

Ahuizotl had to be patient and wait for her to go to sleep in order to break in and steal the treasure. Ahuizotl waited.

One hour later, Daring Do finally went to sleep.

Ahuizotl entered through the window stealthily, he walked over to the shelf where the gold ring was placed. He quickly snatched his treasure and was about to go.

Suddenly, he began to hear the sounds of Daring Do's breath and her tiny snores. This made Ahuizotl curious and he walked over to Daring Do's bed.

Ahuizotl looked down at how peacefully Daring Do slept. Ahuizotl could not deny it, she looked so beautiful, and she looked so adorable with her tiny snores.

As Daring Do slept, she turned over so that she was face up, Ahuizotl stayed still trying not to interfere.

Ahuizotl looked at her lips, Ahuizotl could not resist the temptation, he got closer to her face and he was just a few centimeters away from uniting his lips with hers.

"What the hell are you doing?" Asked Daring Do, as she glared at Ahuizotl.

Ahuizotl looked at her in fear, their faces were really close to each other.

Daring Do quickly hit Ahuizotl, he fell to the floor and from the impact he let the ring go. Daring Do got up from her bed defensively, ran towards the ring and picked it up.

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