Chapter 14: Hour of vengeance

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They had done it, they passed the penultimate round, with total cheating and they were very proud of having done it, they were all happy for tomorrow was the final round.

They exited the stadium and walked in the direction of their home (the abandoned building) Luna accompanied them. Luna looked at her new friends, they were so calm and so free from any penalties.

The grad student girl was not stupid, she knew that her "supposed new friends" including Discord had ruined the rest of the bands and cheated, but for some strange reason, she didn't say anything, nor did she try to stop them or get their attention, she also felt like an accomplice. She liked that idea of being a villain, it was a part of her human nature, remembering her dark past.

The group walked down the street, in the dark of the night, they talked pleasantly with the diverse members of the group.

"You did a good job." Said Sombra a bit seductively.

"Thanks." Said Adagio, not showing any emotion. "You also did good."

"You dance spectacularly." Said Sombra. "I would like to see you sing."

"You'll see soon enough." Said Adagio, smiling evilly.

"I liked your bad girl character like on TV!" Said Sombra. "I hope to ask you out to dinner one of these days."

Adagio looked at Sombra for a moment, she was a bit nervous, without knowing how to respond, she had never been in a close conversation with anyone but her sisters.

"I would love to." Said Adagio, blushing a lot, not believing what she just said.

Sombra smiled, Adagio returned the smile, Adagio regained her reason. Completely red from blushing and trembling, she walked away from Sombra, and she joined up with Mane-iac and Chrysalis.

Sombra gave a dry smile, in that moment he walked over to Luna.

"You do know that you're older than her, right?" Said Luna, annoyed.

"What can I say Luna?" Said Sombra so sure of himself. "Have I ever told you that I go weak for....girls with green eyes."

"But Adagio has eyes that are the color of...."

"You know what I mean." Said Sombra, interrupting Luna.

"You haven't changed." Said Luna, angered by his behavior and looking at Sombra with trepidation.

"Your sister was the one who left me." Said Sombra directly and very offended. "I prefer her stupid students to a life of luxury and prosperity at my side."

"My sister loved you." Said Luna, angrily. "That wasn't the only reason why she left you."

"What?" Asked Sombra confused.

"Don't be a jacka.." Said Luna. "She was spying on you while you were in one of the classrooms, trying to flirt with her student Twilight."

Sombra stayed silent, he began to sweat, but Luna continued talking.

"And her dog Spike attacked you, before you could put your hands on her..."

"Hey!....But...." Said Sombra stammering. "It was all a big..."

"You hurt my sister." Said Luna interrupting Sombra. "But I am not one to judge, aside from seeing your new lifestyle, I think you are paying your sentence."

"And you also haven't changed." Said Sombra. "Always so insensitive, bitter and frustrating."

"Thank you!" Said Luna.

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