it's us

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"Hey, hey, hey....look what we have here" i laugh evilly." Please don't, i don't have enough money right now!"said the boy. "Hey hyejin, isn't shame that a boy afraid of a girl?" Laughed soeun. "Yeah...that's right..if you don't have some money to give us...i guess you're in a big trouble boy"

"Kick him guys" i laugh."Nooooo!!AAAHHH!!" It's very fun to see someone in front of you bleeding.

"Mmm....sorry if your leg broken " i fake crying. "I think it's because you are too weak" i said without a sympathy and still fake crying.

"Wow!! That's our maknae" said soeun.

"Of course, let's go, i'm tired of this little shit" i said.

"Yeah that's right. He is boring to bully"Said jina and soeun.

Oh! I don't even introduce myself yet because i'm busy bullying someone sorry. My name is yoon hyejin, i'm 17, a gangster, a maknae, likes to bully people. Sorry if i'm too harsh. In this gang, we only have three people but we're strong. Someone messing with us? We don't give them a chance to live.

"Guys, where are we going exactly?" I said.

"It's them..the gangsters"

"Better stay away from them"

"'s scary"

"Do you hear someone screamed just now? I think they had bullied someone"

"Hey, shut up! They might hear us"

We are walking in the hall away and then hear this bullsh*t. I look behind my back and see them looking at us. I smiled. Of course the scary one, just one smile and they will be afraid of us.

"Haha, are guys looking at us?" Said soeun.

"Look at us more..and we will take your eyes" said jina smile sweetly. The more she smile, it's more scary. I give you warning, don't even mess with jina.

"Ahh...we- we- we're sor- so sorry" said the girl and she and her friends run away.

"Wow, you guys are scary" i said.

"It's annoying when there are people looking at us" said jina.'s true tough." Where are we going?"

"Is that even a question?" Said soeun.

"Haha, i know. Let's go to the rooftop. Who's late gonna treat ice cream! Run!"

"Yah! That's not fair" said jina.

We laughed. It is true that we are gangsters but we have the good side too.

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