Too harsh?

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Hyejin p.o.v

"okay boys, please take a sit. Namjoon-sshi, seokjin-ssi please sit at the empty table behind there." Said the teacher.

"yes teacher" said them and go to their sits.

"as for yoongi-ssi and hoseok-ssi, please sit at the empty table beside kyuhyun, kyuhyun-ssi, please raise your hand" kyuhyun raise his hand and that yoongi guy and hoseok go to their seats.

"taehyung-ssi and jung kook-ssi, please sit beside namjoon, kay? As for you jimin-ssi, please sit beside hyejin" what?? That jimin guy go take a sit beside me but before he going to sit, I quickly put my foots on the chair beside me and said "sorry, but this sits is taken".

He look at me clueless. Haha, this is gonna be fun.

"uhh...sorry but, please let me sit here" I ignore him and I heard the class whispered.

"hyejin, that's rude...pitty of him"

"that girl is crazy, she must be like him that's why she want to take his attention"

"yeah that's right"

"cut it out already, give him the sit"

I glare at them. I put my foots away and let him sit, this time, I don't want to fight them back cause I don't have a mood to fight. But I know soeun and jina will say something.

"haha, seems like someone says something to our maknae, right soeun?" said jina. Haha, I just said it and they started it.

"yes....and they need punishment" they smile evilly. The whole class except the new students is shaking and lower their head. The teacher just awkwardly look at something else, no one dare to fight us back. I look at the new boys, they just look at them clueless.

"yah! Maknae, what punishment should we do?"jina said. I smile evilly, forget it. This time I will be nice.

" how about...we throw them outside the window?" I teased. But I'm not joking because there is a girl we throw her outside and her leg and arms broken. The whole class look at me, maybe they scared, they believe me when I said that. Such a fool. "what? You guys like it? Okay"

"No!no!no! please don't, forgive us" I look at the girl. I stare her and she just shut her mouth. The teacher slowly go outside the class, maybe she too scared. I look at soeun and jina, they laugh at me. I chuckled." Just kidding, take it easy guys, this time I'll let you go"

"oh my god! Thank you, thank you thank you so much!" I look at the girl. "but, shut up cause your annoying." Jina and soeun still laughing, this girls. I rolled my eyes.

"maknae, let's skip class" said soeun.

" I am going to skip class anyways" she chuckled.

"let's go sis." I said.

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