new girl

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Hyejin p.o.v

I go to the school like i always do. It's 6.30 in the morning, i like to go to school early because when you walk in the school with no students, you can feel the peace.

I walk to my class and then i heard someone talking. Urghh...i thought i'm the one who got here first. As i about to go in, i heard jungkook voice in the class. Oh, its maybe them.

"Jimin Hyung, really? Your girlfriend gonna transfer here?" I saw jimin nodded while smiling.

"Yeah! I miss yujin noona!"

"Yeah, me too. She nice"

Girlfriend? Jimin? He has a girlfriend? Why my heart suddenly shattered? I hate the word girlfriend, i don't like it, and now....jimin's girlfriend? It make me sick. Yah!! I'm not even like him! What is wrong with me!?

I walk inside the class and they suddenly shut up and look at somewhere else. I go to my seat, find that jimin is sitting at his seat too.

"Hyejin...uh...uhm..." As he said that, i just look at him, going to hear what is he gonna say.

"Thank you....for...ugh!!! Why is this so hard?!?" I look at him like he is insane.

"Huuhhh! Inhale, exhale,....hyejin! Thank you for the food you made." I chuckle and just nodded. So, he ate it then..i don't no why, but it make me smile.

Its 7.15 and the students start going inside one by one.

"Hyejin!! We miss you!" Soeun and jina shouted as they come in.

"Yeah,yeah, i stop! I can't breathe!" They both immediately let go of me. I smile at them.

"Hehe, sorry!"

"It just two day, and you guys are like this" i rolled my eyes playfully.

Then, the teacher came in.
"Okay class! Sit down, i have something to tell you" the class go to their seat and look at teacher.

"Okay, today...we have a new student, its a girl so be nice to her okay?" Then the whole boys shouting.

"Shut up you ass." Jina said. The boys stop shouting.Still the same her, i thougt as i chuckled.

"Please come in."

Then, there is a girl come in. Wow, she's cute. I look at soeun and jina, they smirk at me. I know what they mean, i smile. New target.

" name is park yujin! Nice to meet you, please take care of me" i look at jimin, he smile as he saw her. No...don't tell me she is really his girlfriend.

I look at the girl again. They make eye contact to each other. No...

"Oppa!" Yujin shouted, as she smile.

"Oh, do guys know each other?" The teacher asked smiling.

"Yes." Jimin replied.

"He is my boyfriend!" Yujin said again. The girls start to whisper to each other, and the boys whined.

"Is that true jimin?" The teacher ask, smiling.

I look at him, his face become pink. So, i guess they are together.

"Yes, teacher." No....

"Ehhhh!!!" The girls start to cry.

"No!! My jimin!"

"Jimin oppa! She's not even beautiful!"

I look at him, he's annoyed. I can see through his face. He really care about that yujin girl. That's it! I'm done.

"YAH! SHUT UP! ITS ANNOYING YOU BRAT!" I yelled. I can't take it anymore.

'What is wrong with her?'
'She is the one who annoying.'

I heard them whispered. I look at the girl behind me. I glare at her.

"WHAT!?" I yelled at her.

"No-no...nothing..i'm sorry.." Gosh, sorry but i really gonna do it.

I punch her in the face. I mean...punch! I can't help it! I hate this situation right now!

"Hyejin! What are you doing!?! We have a new girl here and you supposed to be a nice girl...not punching someone!!!" The teacher yelled. I look at this girl, she faint. Weak. Just one punch, she fainted.

"Omoo!! Yah yoon hyejin!"

"What?" I asked with my poker face on.

"Detention after school!!"

I rolled my eyes and go out the class. I take a look at jimin, he just look at me with hate face. That face, it show me that jimin really hate me.

As i go out the class. The class start yelling at me and swearing at me. Huuhh....this class, really.


I look behind and saw jina and soeun, i smile, they are really my best friend. I appreciate them.

"Are you okay? You know, i just laugh at that girl when you punched her, its hilarious!" Soeun said.

"Yeah! You know what hyejin? I like you this way." Jina added.

I just smile at them. "That girl..."

"New target?" Jina asked.

I just nodded at her. Then, her eyes were sparkling. That's right, thats my friend.

Jimin....i think i like you because i hate it when you smiling at her...that yujin. I don't like it. Sorry jimin, i know i made a wrong decision, but i have keep my image as a bully, i need her as my toy. I smile evilly as i thought about it.

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