the truth

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Jimin p.o.v

Oh god...that's really awkward. Seriously, my face became red. Why i'm so embarrassed about that? when she said heart start to beat faster than always. What's that mean?

Ugh! forget that jimin! I want to call yujin, maybe she can make me forget about this. Huh, what is she doing right now? I miss her. I take my phone out and go to my contacts, I search for yujin number and call her. I call her but she doesn't pick it up. Is there something wrong?

Suddenly my phone ringing, i look at my screen and its show jin hyung. I pick up and answer him.

"hello hyung?"

"hey jimin, can you go to supermarket ? I can't go now because i have some duty to do here..."

"huh? but the others-"

"they sleeping, please jimin, you're the one who is out now" i sighed. Don't make him angry jimin...

"what is it you want me to buy?"

"buy me some vegetables and meat, i want to make breakfast for you guys tomorrow."

"really?! okay hyung, i'm on my way!bye" i hang up my phone and go to the supermarket.

I look at my phone back while i'm walking there. There is no message from yujin. Now i realize..yesterday she always avoid me..did i do something wrong? I call her again but she doesn't pick it up. I give up.

I arrive at the supermarket and go search what jin hyung needs. I'm on my way to go to the meat side and then i saw one figure that looks familiar. Its her...yujin! I smile and go to her.


"Yujin! i found it!" when someone said that i stop at my track.

"oppa! you really are something." she chuckled and kiss him.

Now i a cheater! I quickly buy these, and go away from there. Suddenly, my tears start to roll down on my cheeks.

'why i didn't realize about this?'

That's it..i'm gonna break up with her. I arrive at my dorm. I throw the things that i bought earlier on the table and quickly go to yoongi hyung room. I reach there and knock his door.

I knock and knock but still no answer from him. "Hyung!" ....still no answer from him.


"...." aish really!


"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!? I'm sleeping here!!!" he yelled. Knew it..

I open the door and saw he on the bed with closed eyes. I go to him and poke his cheeks.

"you brat..." he mumble.

"hyung...i want to break up with yujin."

"and? just break up with her if you want..." he mumbled again. This hyung really...I shake his shoulders until he wake up.

"ugh! what do you want?" he asked rolled his eyes.

"I want to break up with yujin." and then he look at me.

"why?" he asked me.

"she's a cheater, i saw her kissed some random guy earlier." and then he smirk. Okay...that's creepy..

"jimin, listen to me." he said and i look at him confused.

"just break up with her, because i know there is someone else will replace her. I know it.." he whispered the last part. Hyung?

"okay!okay! just go! i want to sleep!" he push me and kick me out. (ಥ_ಥ)
I go to my room and think about it.

"why he said that? replace?..who.."

and suddenly i remember about hyejin. Is she okay? wait..she's different. ' I like her this way' i smile as i thought about it.

And then suddenly my phone ringing, i look at my phone..i sighed, should i answer it or not?'s yujin..this bitch.. i sighed again as i answer her call.

"oppa! i miss you! where are you?"


"aww oppa! i'm sorry if i didn't pick up your call, i busy this lately! can you forgive me oppa?" busy your ass. You were dating with another guy.

"oppa! i'm sorry! forgive me please" she said with her aegyo voice. Yuck! It grossed me, really.


"yes my lovely oppa?" again..with that gross voice.

"lets break up, bye" i said to her and then hang up. Wow! i feel great! It's awesome! Goodbye to old me and welcome the new me!

"Woohoo!!" i screamed as i let it all out.

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT!" i heard yoongi hyung yelled from another room. Did i just screamed to loud? Whatever.

Hyejin p.o.v heart was racing again! He just hug me...oh god..what happened to me? My face was red before. I hope he doesn't saw it..

And then suddenly the door was open. It's my doctor, Joon sungjae. Well..he's young as you can see.. He come to me as he smile at me.

"miss hyejin, i have a good news for you" he said.


"you can go out from here tomorrow"
and then my eyes were sparkling and he chuckled.

"well excuse me, i have something to do..take care hyejin." he said as he patted my head. I smile at him as he go out.

Yes! finally! well...i can't wait to see him..jimin..i miss him. Now i know what i feels, my heart always beat faster when i'm with him, i don't like him..

'I love him'

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